
Want to learn more?

The presentations that have been given and/or will be given will be listed on this page (see below). Most of the presentations contain links to Canvas manuals. Read them if you want to know how to use the functionalities in Canvas. If you want to read more, click through the Getting to Know Canvas course. Still got questions? Contact your Faculty Canvas Team.

Canvas café Collaborations


Embed files from Google Drive, create an assignment using Google Docs, allow your students to collaborate using the Google Apps integration with Canvas; this and more is discussed in the Canvas Café session on Collaboration using Google Apps in Canvas.

Canvas Café Assignments


How to use Canvas assignments? A graded discussion? An an assignment with or without plagiarism check? Check out this presentation and find out the different assignment types of Canvas and how to make them.

Canvas Café Communicatie

Communication with students

Did you know that Canvas offers many possibilities to communicate with your students? Have you tried to use a Discussion as Question&Answer forum? Canvas makes it easy for you to keep all this information together. No personal emails needed! Also Canvas gives you the possibility to message individuals, groups, colleagues or the whole course, within Canvas itself. You don't need Outlook (at all) to communicate with your student. Keep it simple!

Canvas café Grades


Grades helps you to easily view and enter grades for students. Only graded assignments, discussions, surveys and quizzes are displayed in the Gradebook. Find out more!

Canvas café Group Assignments

Group Assignments

Learn how to create groups, group assignments and how to grade them. You can grade the assignments individually or by groups.

Canvas café Modules


Modules are used to organize course content by weeks, units, or a different organizational structure. Modules essentially create a one-directional linear flow of what students should do in a course. Each module can contain files, discussions, assignments, quizzes, and other learning materials. How do you set up your modules? And which structure do you choose? Help your students by structuring your course in a logical way!

Canvas café peer review.pptx

Peer Review

A peer review assignment enables students to provide feedback on another student's assignment submission. Peer reviews are a tool that allows communication between students and can help students master the concepts of a course and learn from each other. Allow students to learn from each other!

Canvas café Prerequisites/Requirements

Prerequisites and Requirements

Provide your students with more insight into their learning process; test prior knowledge about a specific subject; make sure they have gathered basic expertise before moving on; these are the things you can do by using Prerequisites and Requirements in Canvas Modules.

Canvas café Quizzes


Have you used quizzes as an activity to check prior learning of your students? With Quizzes you can challenge and assess your students understanding of the course materials in various ways. Check it out!

Canvas café Rubrics


A Rubric is an assesment tool, but can also be used as a tool to communicate expectations about quality of work to students. Rubrics are typically comprised of rows and columns. Rows are used to define the various criteria being used to assess an assignment. Columns are used to define levels of performance for each criterion. Save time, be consistent and clear to your students about your expectations.

Canvas café Course Navigation

Course Navigation

Attention will be paid to setting up a menu structure that is logical and convenient for your students. A concise navigation makes the course experience for students many times more positive. Which buttons / functionalities should you open for students and which ones do you want to hide? Where are students actually looking for information? Improve the learning experience of students with some simple facts!