Use existing Canvas accessibility functions

Canvas Accessibility Checker

Did you know that Canvas already includes a tool that checks for you if your Canvas course is accessible to students or not? On every Canvas editing page at the bottom, there is an Accessibility Checker icon. When you click on this icon, you will receive information if there are cases of problems a student with a disability could face.  

How to use the Accessibility Checker?

The Accessibility Checker is visible for you when you are in edit mode on one of your Canvas pages. Underneath the text box, there is a row of buttons with functions you could use, including the Accessibility Checker. After you click the Accessibility icon, the Accessibility Checker will report all accessibility issues on this specific page. A bar will open on the right hand side where you can see what the issues are and what action you need to take to solve them. Most issues you can fix directly with the Accessibility Checker.  Follow their steps to fix the issues. 

For example (see image below): you made a table without a header and the Accessibility Checker marks this as an issue. Action: Set table header>choose header>Apply. 

After you have fixed all the issues presented by the Accessibility Checker you will get this balloons image in the bar.  This means there are no accessibility issues detected and your Canvas page is accessible! 

Want to see the Canvas Accessibility Checker into action? View the video below:

Want to know what the Canvas Accessibility Checker takes into account? Canvas communicates this list with us: