Make audiovisual material understandable for everyone

Use colour-blind friendly colours 

When you are using colours in your Canvas course, make sure they are comprehensive for students who are colour blind. Canvas does already have a few implementations in its interface to be accessible for students who are colour blind. These are the settings you are not able to change. 

When you choose colours, for example to highlight text, to change font colour or to add colours to your table, make sure you use colours that have a high contrast for students who are colour blind. The image below shows you which colours of the standard Canvas colour palet are best to use. The icons indicate accessible colours for students with color blindness. The L icon indicates that these colours are only accessible when using a larger font size: larger than 24px or at least header 2. The other colours are not accessible for students who are colour blind. 

Lastly, don't use colour to indicate a location within the Canvas environment. Use text headings instead.