Make your Canvas course as readable as possible

Describe images with alternative text

Not all students can see images, that’s why it’s important to add text to the image that explains what’s visible on it. This added text is called "Alt Text" or "alternative text". Alt text can be read by screen readers, so students who are blind or have a visual impairment can understand what's visible on the image. 

Adding alternative text to images also helps when the image doesn't load properly. This can happen when your image is broken or when a student has improper internet connectivity. The alt text will be shown instead, so students still have a grasp what's supposed to be viewed on the image. 

How to add Alt text to images? 

You can add alternative text to your image when you are in the edit mode of a Canvas page. Click on the image you would like to add alternative text to. A button will appear that says "Image options". Click this button and a side bar will open on the right side. Here you can add Alt Text to your image. Don't forget to click the blue "Done" button to save your alternative text. See image below.