Make your Canvas course as readable as possible

Use descriptive texts for hyperlinks

Hyperlinks connect a hypertext file or document to another location or file. It's important to embed a link within a concise string of text instead of using its URL as the link text. A screen reader user will more easily understand where an accessible link leads and will not have to listen while the reader pronounces every single character of a URL. Also avoid adding links to descriptions like ‘click here’, otherwise students who use screen readers have no idea what's behind the link. Using descriptive links helps every student navigate your Canvas course better, not only students who use screen readers.

How to create a hyperlink in Canvas? 

To add a hyperlink to your course, make sure you are in the edit mode of your Canvas page. Select the text you would like to add a hyperlink to. Click the "Links" button located at the tool bar above your text box (see image). You will get two options to choose from: "External Links" and "Course Links". Select Course links if you would like to link to any other content available within your Canvas course. This can be a Page, an image, a file you already added to the course. A list will pop up with all available content you can choose from. If you want to paste a link, choose External Links. 

This video explains really well why it's important to use descriptive hyperlinks: