Canvastip #8

Re-use good courses

It would be a great waste of your time to think again and again about how best to create a Canvas page. Think about this once, build the page and use this setup for your other Canvas pages.

But also this can be easier. There are already a lot of teachers and Canvas experts in your area who have thought long and hard about how best to design Canvas. Learn from them for your own page. You don't have to discover the wheel yourself.

But how do you use the layout of an old Canvas course? The Homepage is very easy to copy and paste. You can use the same text and images every time, with maybe a small change here and there in, for example, dates and the name of the course.

But you can also copy an entire Canvas course. This is a function in Canvas that is really easy to use. It's smart to use this option when you have taught the same course before. If you'd like to know how to do this, the video underneath will show you:

Besides copying an entire course, it's also possible to copy only part of course you have given before. The possibilities to this are endless. For example: you can copy Modules, but also only 1 page or just particular settings you have used before in a course. You can select what you would like to copy, it can be just 1 thing or almost everthing from a certain course. How to do this is shown in the video below: