Glen Dhu

This area was the first action for what became the Friends of Wellington Park and was assisted by Jean Taylor and John Hamilton. The original location that brought us here was under Collins Cap and It has been clear of woody weeds since 2004 and can be considered as most successful.

Lower locations still require work from time to time and monitoring.

January 2010

The known Gorse sites were checked and no seedlings or re-shooting plants were found, although a bush that had been overlooked previously was noticed a bit further down the track. Several seedlings of Spanish heath were found and removed from known locations. Before venturing down to the rivulet check was made as far as the park boundary for Elishas tears, where one broken off branch was found to have rooted.

27 September 2005

More seedlings and juvenile plants discovered and the larger ones removed.

8 April 2003

Cleared Feb 2002 and only 4-5 small plants were found on 8/4/03 which had been missed. These were easily pulled out Assisted by Plant Society - Bushland Group.

26 February 2002

Removed top patch of gorse and top patch of erica plus part of lower erica. Remaining gorse and erica will be tackled in a month or so. Assisted by Plant Society - Bushland Group.