Collins Cap

Work to Do

At the start where there is a big patch of thistles beside the road soon after the gate and is actually outside the park boundary.

At times the regrowth from the sections burnt at the end of 2012 is encroaching on the track and needs trimming. Nota lot of work is involved at this stage, but it will gradually become more so.

Just over the old Glen Dhu fire trail there is a short degraded section onlya few metres long that is eroding. People avoid it an causing braiding each side. Rocks or timber could be added.

The post at junction of Myrtle Forest and Collins Cap tracks is only just holding in the ground and needs fixiing. The sign pointing down to the the carpark has now gone.

thistle beside road after gate but before park boundary

Overgrowing regrowth after fires

Section of track immediately above Glen Dhu track crossing

Post at junction of Myrtle Forest and Collins Cap tracks. Only just holding in the ground

Past Work