

If you don't feel like gravity is working overtime afterwards, did you even hit legs?

(Legs: Quads, Hamstrings, Hips, Adductors, Abductors, Glutes, Calves)

Quad Extension

Back rest: back and glutes pressed against it

Seat: pressed right against the back of kneecaps for support

Bottom pad: should contact front of ankles

Seated Hamstring Curl

Back rest: Keep glutes/back against it for the full movement

Bottom pad: behind ankles

Toes pointed up, isolate your knee

Lying Hamstring Curl

Knee lined up with axis of rotation

Moving pad: pressed against bottom half of calf

Pull yourself into the handles; tight core; stable back

Leg Press

Seat rest: legs form right angles

Don't lock your knees!

Super (Lying) Leg Press

Seat rest: legs form right angles

Don't lock your knees!


(Inner thigh)

Press back and glutes against back rest

Keep reps slow and controlled


(Outer thigh)

Press back and glutes against back rest

Keep reps slow and controlled


Easily the most intimidating machine in the gym, but it's great for hip flexors!

45º Back/Glute Extension

90º Back/Glute Extension

Plate-loaded Leg Press

Minimally different from the machines in Section I!

Seat rest: legs form right angles

This machine locks in the topmost position but otherwise moves freely - learn to use the handle locks before loading.

Don't lock your knees, and don't forget to rerack your plates!

Belted Squat

Calf Raises

Non-Machine Leg Exercise Suggestions

(Bonus: a lot of these especially target glutes if you're looking for a bakery!)