Mercury Mount St. Helens has a new callsign!

Post date: Apr 21, 2013 6:15:16 PM

On April 9th, the FCC issued us a new callsign, W7MSH. This call may be used when operating an station established by MMSH -- including your own station, when you have been authorized to act as a Net Control operator for the ERC Net.

The use of this call may more clearly identify the net control station, better establish that a particular activity is organized/sanctioned by MMSH, and lead to better visibility of our association in the community (ham and non-ham). Why bother? It's hard to either help, or receive help from, an organization that you don't know exists!

The net preamble has been changed to reflect the use of the new callsign. (I am also trying to streamline it just a little bit, but recognize that it has a few rough edges, and appreciate both your patience and any improvements you may have to offer.)