Ham Basics - Sep 18th

Post date: Sep 11, 2010 1:2:59 AM

Who: Sponsored by CCARC & BPRA

What: Ham Basics workshop

When: September 18th 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM

Where: Ridgefield LDS Church; NE 29th Ave. & 219th St.

Why: Choose up to 4 different classes on a variety of topics to learn more about ham radio!

How: That's your problem! We're only answering "W" questions today....

There are a number of classes offered that should appeal to beginners in ham radio up to experienced hams who want to learn about new activities. Come for a short time, or stay for the entire program at your option. But please consider coming to learn ways you can use your ham license to serve.

There will be a short general session followed by four class periods with five classes held simultaneously

--Delvin Bunton—


Topics include VHF/HF antennas, packet, VoIP, Winlink, APRS, power, ARES & more!

And yes, it's FREE!

For more info, see the latest BPRA newsletter or download the flyer!