Field Day 2012: June 23

Post date: Jun 02, 2012 4:58:48 PM

This morning on the Mercury NW 80m net, we had a discussion on what we like to use for feed lines when we're portable (i.e. running around in the great outdoors).

Now as for myself, when I'm camping out, I always like it if there's sausage and hash-browns in the feed line (though if it's a church activity, they usually use more pancakes in the feed line), and I think that's pretty nornal, but you know what? Most of the guys on the air this morning were yammerin' about LMR-195 and RG-8X and twin-lead and such -- it's like they actually live, breath, and eat radio. Nerds...

Anyway, all this discussion this morning made me think of ARRL Field Day! Field Day is a great chance to get out of the house, test some of the emergency preparedness junk we always talk about, and have fun. The official contest portion runs over Saturday & Sunday; early birds, non-contesters, and we Sabbath-observers, often start the festivities on Friday and go home Saturday night.

Of course, in my opinion, a great Field Day starts with planning a good "feed line", but others like to focus on -- and I enjoy -- unique antennas, power supplies, etc. However you enjoy Field Day, enjoy it! Feed me specific information on local FD events, and I'll post them here. And I'd love for you to send me some stories/pictures afterwards to share.

More about field day can also be found in last year's post.

Nearby Events

LCARA (Longview, WA)

Russ(NH6B) & Lee(WH6B) Rosendaal

305 Bunker Hill Pl.

Longview, WA

CCARC (Vancouver, WA)

SEH America

3900 NE 112th Ave.

Vancouver, WA

Lots of participation by public service agencies, and lots of radio stations running through the night. Setup starts Friday afternoon. Special invitation to the public Saturday afternoon.

Flyer with more info

CARS (Colton, OR)

Lonny(N7CGI) Johnson

19768 S. Harper Rd.

Colton, OR

Not too much serious contesting going on here, but a lot of fun and a fantastic place to bring the family. Free breakfast doesn't hurt, either. Clackamas ARES will be there as well. Some people are getting there as early as Thursday to set up camp. Most leave Saturday evening.

Flyer with more info

CARA (Scappoose, OR)

Rear parking lot of Ichabod's

My plans:

I'll be bringing my oldest 6 down with me to Colton Friday around noon. We're camping overnight, and staying most of Saturday, hitting Vancouver's gathering in the evening. If the kids have any energy left, we'll head out to Russ's place to say hi to the gang there.