MSD 2020

01.-24.12.2020: Adventkalenderlauf, Linz, Austria

A new idea in times of no real competitions: Starting Dec 1st run every day untill Christmas the number of kilometers according to the date of the day, i.e. run 1 km on Dec 1, run 2 km on Dec 2 etc to finish with 24 km on Dec 24. (From day 1-4 I ran 5 km each).

I needed a total of 32:18:11 to finish 315,21 km. 

02.-05.11.2020: Blue Danube Ultra Triathlon, Linz, Austria

After the Bretzel Ultra Triathlon had been cancelled in France, I did my personal triple long distance triathlon at home (11.4 km , 540 km and 126.6 km ).

It was my 10th ultra triathlon and certainly the toughest. The swimming in the pool went quite well, but to cycle along the Danube all by yourself at night in damp and very cool weather ..... you really need a strong head. The cold creeps into your bones, and then the negative thoughts are not far away. You all know: "Why am I doing this?", "Wouldn't it be cozy at home in the warmth on the couch?" "With a beer?"

Several times I was very close to DNF, but your messages on FB and WhatsApp and the support of my Amalia gave me courage again. So the cycling part passed, and I was looking forward to the run (really). But it was to get worse: Strong winds and heavy rain during the second marathon did not contribute to a nice atmosphere. You wouldn't have chased a dog outside the door, but I was busy doing my laps. Amalia ran a whole marathon with me, that gave me the necessary motivation, and so I can say that I am very proud to have passed this real endurance test.

Conclusion 1: November is not an ideal time for an ultra-triathlon in Central Europe.

Conclusion 2: The Ultra family contributes a lot to the success (and I miss it a lot!)

Conclusion 3: Nothing can replace a "real" competition.

Conclusion 4: when is the next ultra?

Swimming time: 4:33:39, Bike time: 20:15:11, Duration: 16:46:03, Total time (including breaks): approx. 58 hours

18.-20.09.2020: Ultra Czech 515, Racice, Czech Republic

My first real ultra race in 2020 (and it should be the only one): I was happy to meet my good Czech friends again at Ultra Czech 515, an ultraman style race. I also got to know personally a Heide Lindeman and her coaching friends, the Steinberg's.

I was happy with my swimming and cycling results, and I could run the whole double marathon, but due to a recently cured Bone edema I was slower than last year. In total my final time was faster and for the first time I stayed below 30 hours.

10,27 km swim (3:38:25), 415,18 km bike (14:14:53) and 82,86 km run (11:05:19: total time 29:59:47.

30.08.-09.09.2020: Training camp, Tar, Croatia

I was lucky to be able to do my private anual training camp near Porec again. I spent ten days there and swam 17,25 km (7:43:59), I cycled 548,51 km (24:23:20) and I ran 41,41 km (4:19:54), and I had a good time.

11.08.2020: Traunsee crossing, Ebensee - Gmunden, Austria

Another swim we had planned for a long time was the crossing of beautiful lake Traunsee. We were really lucky with the weather and enjoyed this beautiful swim a lot. Certainly one of the highlights of the season. 12,34 km in 4:48:14.

07.08.2020: Ottensheim - Linz, Danube swim, Austria

Our annual "Danube swim" was big fun again. We took a boat from Linz to Ottensheim and then swam 8,95 km downstream, arriving back in Linz after 0:58:48. 

06.08.2020: Linz - Passau - Linz, Austria / Germany

Together with my friend Meggy I did a "training ride" from Linz along the Danube to Passau and back on the same day. After 8:13.39 we were back, having cycled 194,08 km.

31.07.2020: Hallstättersee swim marathon, Steeg, Austria

Amongst many other events the Hallstättersee swim marathon was also cancelled. Together with my swimming friends we swam the distance nevertheless and took 3:17:20 for the 9,7 km. 

27.-29.07.2020: Linz - Wien - Linz, Austria

My annual bike tour to Vienna. This time I took a different route which was considerably longer but much more beautiful. I cycled a total of 461,33 km in17:59:26. On the ay home I had mechanical problems, but there are always solutions at hand.

23.07.2020: Grundlsee crossing, Gössl, Austria

Not an official compeptition, I swam the "Grundlsee crossing" together with some friends of mine. We covered the 11,72 km in 4:19:44 on a splendid day.

10.-12.07.2020: Blue Danube Ultra Triathlon, Linz, Austria

Since the "Blumau Ultra Triathlon" was cancelled I did a "private" double again in Linz. Due to a leg injury I was not able to run, so I made a swim-cycle-combination, swimming 7,6 km and cycling 360 (divided in two parts, because I had to stop on the bike because of a real heavy thunderstorm). I finished in 19:25:00.

04.07.2020: Backwaterman, Ottenstein lake, Austria

For the first time I participated in the already famours Backwaterman swim marathon. I opted for the 7 km distance and finished in these really wonderful surroundings in 2:29:38.

It was my first sport event after the Corona lockdown.

12./13.06.2020: 600-km-Brevet, Linz - Villach, Austria

Another "solo" Brevet due to Corona. I had planned to visit my sister in Villach and cycled there, crossing the Pyhrn-pass, the Triebener Tauern and finally the Hocheggersattel, covering 286 km in 12:51:16, clmbing more than 3000 m.

I wanted to cycle back but the weather forcast was soooo bad that I decided to take the train.

20./21.05.2020: 1st Lentos Ultra Tri, Linz, Austria

After the cancellation of Ultra Race Italy I decided to do my own personal double ultra triathlon in my hometown Linz. Good decision. I was not only lucky with the weather, I also had a really great day and with the help of my friends Amalia, Miriam, Robert and Manfred was able to finish the double distance in 31:29:09. 

It was a strange feeling to "compete" against no one. It felt even harder because of the lack of competition atmosphere. But still I enjoyed every km of it (well, most of them at least).

08.05.2020: 300-km-Brevet, Linz - Krems, Austria

Again I started all alone due to the Corona situation and had a real pleasant day cycling along the Danube as far as Krems and back again. It took me 11:38:36 to cover the 300,2 km.

18.04.2020: 200-km-Brevet, Linz - Melk, Austria

Since all the Brevets have been cancelled due to the Corona-virus-shutdown I did my own private Brevet, riding from Linz to Melk along the Danube and back again. It took me 7:28:38 to cover the 202 km.

28. 03. 2020: 200-km-Brevet, Linz, Austria

Again, because of Corona the first 200-km Brevet of the season was cancelled. So I did it at home on my spinning bike. It took me 5 hours 39 minutes.

19. / 20. 03. 2020: 24-Hour-Race, Linz, Austria

Because of the Corona-Virus-situation the 24-hour-race in Heilbronn / Germany was cancelled. That is why I did my own "private" 24-hore-race in Linz. I covered 122 km which I was quite happy with.

01. 03. 2020: Delta-4-Stunden-Lauf, Marchtrenk, Austria

Last year I had to stop after an hour and a half, so I was glad that I could run the full four hours to cover 41 km. Not as far as I had hoped for, but still my longest run in quite some time. Btw: This race is really well organized.

29. 02. 2020: Charity Schwimmen, Linz, Austria

For the fifth time I started at this charity swim event, where money is collected for the Clinic Clowns. I swam a constant pace and finished after 12,6 km in 4:38:31.

16. 02. 2020: Nicosia Marathon, Nicosia, Cyprus

Holiday - Cyprus - without running? Of course not. I had signed up for the full marathon in Nicosia, which is a very small style and familiar event. Since my luggage had not arrived on the plane I was completely without sports nutrition, so I decided to cut the race short and did only the half marathon, which was a good decision. I finished in 2:01:17.

08. 02. 2020: Lipno Ice Marathon,  Černá v Pošumav, Czech Republic

For the fourth time I participated in this very well organized event, and each year it is completely different. This time there was no ice at all on the lake because of the warm temperatures, so it turned out to be a 23 km trail round which I enjoyed very much. I finished in 2:49:22 and then had a couple of beers in beautiful Cesky Krumlov.

After my leg injuries this was my first longer run in months so I was happy to be able to run again without any pain.

25. 01. 2020: Steiralauf, Bad Mitterndorf, Austria

Another great winter day - another cross country skiing race. For the third time I participated in the "Steiralauf" (25 km skating). Due to the lack of snow the run course was changed a little so we made a total of 27 km. I enjoyed the race from start to finish. My final time was 1:39:55.

12. 01. 2020: Tour de Ramsau, Skating 15, Ramsau, Austria

I started the race season with a new race (new for me): The 15-km-skating cross country skiing race in Ramsau am Dachstein. Since I had been there skiing several times before I knew the terrain quite well. A spotless sky and cold temparatures (- 8 C) together with about 200 fellow skiers made for a great day. 

I decided to enjoy the race and did quite well, finishing in less than an hour (0:59:03). Unfortunatley I fell shortly before the finish line and hurt my thumb a little.