My Sports Diary 2016

Dec 31st, 2016

And here is a short look back at my sport year 2016:

I swam a total of 452 km (!!!!!!) and spent 167 hours in the water. During 212 hours I managed to not fall off my bike, cycling 6160 km, and I have been running around for 174 hours, covering 1641 km.

Altogether I did 8254 km during 606 training and competition hours. I burned 310,000 calories!

I finished 27 competitions, the shortest was a popular biathlon in Rosenau with a finishing time of 15 minutes, the longest the Double Ultra Triathlon in Slovenia with 31 hours. In between there were 9 swimming competitions, 1 bike race, 10 runs and 6 triathlons. I paid a total of 1082 euros in starting fees, and I traveled 7200 km to get to all the competition venues.

The highlights were certainly my first double long distance race as well as the 42.2 km which I swam in Bad Radkersburg.

What about 2017? The season planning is finished: at the end of March I will do my first 100 km run in Berlin, then the 24-hour cycling marathon in Grieskirchen at the beginning of July, in early August I hope to finish the 10 km swimming race in lake Hallstatt, and then in late August my second double long distance triathlon  in Lithuania. For the autumn I am sure I will find something interesting.

Special thanks go to my family, who always support me, especially my wife Orlinda. I think sometimes she is glad when I am not at home. I also would like to thank my daughters, who often prepare posters to support me on the roadside. THANK YOU!!!!

Thanks also go to my coach and to my triathlon club TriRun Linz, we are one big family.

I look forward to the new challenges of 2017.

Dec 31st, 2016: New Year´s Run, Linz, Austria

On the last day of the year I participated in the traditional "Silvesterlauf" in my hometown Linz, organized by my triathlon club TriRun Linz. Two laps through the city for a total of 6 km, which I finished in 27:48. Not so bad for an old man!

Dec 18th, 2016: Old Year´s Run, Grein, Austria

For the 7th time I participated in the "Altjahreslauf Grein", running 4,3 km through the beautiful little city right on the side of the Danube. It took me 22:13 to finish the race (with an outside temperature of -4 C).

Dec 11th, 2016: Old Year´s Race, Katsdorf, Austria

I took part in the "Katsdorfer Altjahreslauf", a 7,2 km race which I finished in 38:56. Not really fast, but after having run nearly 70 km during my short cross country skiing holiday my legs were really tired.

Dec 4th, 2016: "Krampus"-Race, Ried im Traunkreis, Austria

Today I participated in a very hilly "Krampus-race" of 8 km in Ried im Traunkreis / Austria. A very nice local event that promotes camaraderie instead of competition, therefore it was without official timing. I finished in 41:06 (personal timing).

Nov 19th, 2016: Christmas Run, Steyr, Austria

I participated in the 12th Steyrer Christkindllauf in Steyr / Austria, a 5,2 km race around the local Christmas market of the beautiful old city of Steyr. I finished in 25:48 which is not so bad considering that I have hardly been running during the last weeks. It was my 25th event this year.

Nov 5 / 6th, 2016: 24-Hour-Swimming, Bad Radkersburg, Austria

I wanted to try something new in this event. I wanted to swim the lenght of a running marathon = 42,2 km. I swam about two hours and took an hour´s rest untill completeing the proposed distance after 13:47:07 in the water. My friend Melita from Slovenia helped with nutrition and company!

Sep 29th, 2016: City Night Run, Linz, Austria

As each year I also run this 5,2 km race in my hometown together with nearly 2000 other athletes. I finished in 0:24:28.

Sep 17th, 2016: Cycling Time Trial, Grünau im Almtal, Austria

Although I had not been training for several weeks I signed up for this race because of the beautiful landscape in the Almsee region. Unfortunately the weather was really bad with heavy rain. Still I finished the 27 km - race in a time of 0:49:10.

Sep 11th, 2016: Vienna Swim Trial, Vienna, Austria

Great weather and great organization at this 6-km-swimming event. I finished in 1:53:12.

Aug 20th, 2016: Travesia, Villaviciosa, Spain

During our holiday in Spain I happened to come acorss this 2-km-swimming-race. I always like to see how events are organized in other countries. I finished in 0:40:46.

Aug 12 / 13th, 2016: Double Ultra Triathlon, Bakovci, Slovenia

My main race of the year of 2016 - my first double ultra triathlon. Together with my team (my wife and daughter) I made this great experience. Nice people on the organizing committee, nice surroundings, good atmosphere. 

The swim went really well, and also on the bike I did a good job. The hard part was the run and my lack of experience with these distances. And the heat during the day was hard to bear. But my head was strong and also my body resnded so I could finish in 31:48:56.

July 17th, 2016: Half distance triathlon, Obertrum, Austria

I had heard a lot about this race during thé last years, but I had not participated in it until now. The bike course is rathe rhard due to its elevation, organization is really professional, athmosphere was good. I finished in 6:21:02.

July 16th, 2016: Lake crossing, Obertrum, Austria

One day before the half distance triathlon I swam the lake crossing of lake Trum. I finished the 3-km-race in 0:53:49 - a really good time for me.

July 3rd, 2016: Steeltownman, Linz, Austria

For the first time I did the Olympic distance at the Steeltownman in and around lake Pichling. A real sunny and hot day, I finished in 2:46:45, which was also 3rd place of the regional championships (age group).

June 19th, 2016: Swim Festival, Open Water, Mörbisch, Austria

The swim festival in Mörbisch at Lake Neusiedl offered also this 5-km-swim around the big island. Of course I took part and finished in 1:35:49.

June 19th, 2016: Swim Festival, Sunset Tri Challenge, Mörbisch, Austria

The first race of the swim festival was the 3,8-km-tri-challenge, which I finished in 1:12:29.

June 11th, 2016: Long Distance Swim, Munich, Germany

The idea was to swim the 4 km of this event and then cycle back to Linz. Unfortunately the weather was so bad that I decided to go back by car. The swim itself was a nice event on the regatta course in Oberschleißheim near Munich. I finished in 1:14:11.

June 4th, 2016: Mattoni České Budějovice Half Marathon, Budějovice, Czech Republic

I was not sure if I would be able to run well in this half marathon race due to the fact that my back was hurting quite a bit. So I was happy to finish in a decent time of 1:51:05. My daughter Laura and her boyfriend Rafael also particpated in the partner event.

May 28th, 2016: 12. FH OÖ Linz Triathlon, Linz, Austria

The days before this half distance triathlon I could hardly walk because my back hurt a lot. Nevertheless I decided to start and to at least the swim- and bike sections. Once I finished the bike I decided to give it a try on the run and was able to finish in 6:13:05. Not my fastest time, but still a finish.

May 7th, 2016: Austria 1/2 Iron Triathlon, Mureck, Austria

I finished my first half distance triathlon of the season in beautiful Styria in 5:29:38. A very nice and well organized race, I liked the bike section. Unfortunately there was a car accident involving one of the cyclists. 

May 1st, 2016: 23rd Sprint Triathon, Braunau, Austria

As each year the season opener in Braunau with it´s swim in the 50-m-pool. I finished in 1:39:32 on a cold and rainy day.

Apr 16/17th, 2016: Bike ride Linz - Vienna - Linz, Austria

Not a competition, but still two days of real sport: I cycled all the way from my hometown Linz to Vienna and back again the next day. 400 km on the road!

March 26th, 2016: Laguna Porec Half Marathon, Porec, Croatia

At the end of a one-week cycling camp I took the opportunity to start it this half marathon race, which I finised in 1:58:30. Not fast, but after several days of biking no so bad either.

March 13th, 2016: Biathlon, Rosenau, Austria

My rist ever biathlon competiton. One km of cross country skiing, shooting and another km of skiing, which took me 0:15:16 to finish. What a nice experience!

March 12th, 2016: Charity Swimming, Linz, Austria

A 5-hour-charity event where I swam a total of 12,5 km.

Feb 14th, 2016: Savio AV Dingli 10k, Savio, Malta

During our one-week holiday on Malta I came across this 10-km-race. Needless to say that I signed up and finished in 0:53:33.

Feb 7th, 2016: 4th Time Trial Run, Linz, Austria

For the 4th time my triathlon club TriRun Linz organized an 8-km-time-trial run on the riverbanks of the Danube. Every 10 seconds a runner starts. I finished in 0:41:10.