Pre-departure information


Champaign-Urbana has four distinct seasons.

  • Fall (mid-September to mid-December) is cool, sometimes rainy, and famous for the changing colors of tree leaves.

  • Winter (mid-December to mid-March) is cold, windy, and often includes much snow and ice.

  • Spring (late March to late May) can be very rainy and stormy, but also has many sunny days with a mix of cool, warm, and hot temperatures.

  • Summer (June to mid-September) is warm, but can be very hot and humid with many thunderstorms.

Important Items to Pack!

  • Original immigration documents

  • Copies of all immigration documents (keep these separate from the originals)

  • Immunization records and required forms for international students. Visit the McKinley Health Center website for a complete list.

  • Change some money to US Dollars before you arrive

  • One or more adapters and power converters for 120 volts - American outlets are different!