Caught in the web/net

Assessment task time

Incorporate one of the performances created today into your work-in-progress assessment performance. Reflect and consider the topics below.

  • The rules of the game
  • The seen and unseen
  • The following
  • Insta
  • Everyone’s a critic
  • Film it/Post it
  • The influencer and the influenced
  • Caught in the Net

As you use the remaining time of the lesson to work on your assessment performance look for feedback from your peers and your teacher.

Here are some samples of a work-in-progress.
Transcripts of work-in-progress videos
Performance 1 Students performing. Student 1: Hmm I think you should block her.Student 2: Block them all.Student 3: I think you should catfish them.Student 4: ooh that image is priceless. Blackmail him with that.Student 1: And take his money.Student 2: You blocked her.Student 3: and catfished him.Student 4: and blackmailed him.Student 2: You blocked her.Student 3: and catfished him.Student 4: and blackmailed him. (Students put masks on)All students: You saw nothing. End of transcript.
Performance 2Students performing. Student 1: Mmm that’s goodStudent 2: Yeah really goodStudent 3: You look really pretty in that scarfStudent 1: Yeah I know. Wait, its not posting. But I finally got good lighting! Oh my gosh I am soo sick of this lighting!Student 2: I think we can still fix it, if we just …Student 1: No im not fixing it.Student 3: You guys are so obsessed and vain about technology. Im out. Student 1: Do you have another phone?Student 2: YeahStudent 1: Thankyou. Is this a Samsung?Student 2: YeahStudent 1: Won’t do.Student 2: Oh sorry. So did you remove me from the private account? I can’t check it.Student 1: Well we can’t check, can we? Not on a Samsung. Student 2: (out of character) Ok that’s it. End of transcript.

Well done, you have completed this lesson.