Everyone's a critic

Please like me

Four actors

  • You are playing the role of four social media influencers.
  • Move to the four corners of the classroom. Create an Instagram post with your body and strike a still pose.
  • When you have done this, you must come up with a caption for your post.
  • Perform your caption in a stylised voice and announce it to the classroom audience.

Classroom audience

  • You each have one like to give. From the centre of the room, view each of the four posts and vote with your feet.
  • Move to the corner of the room to the influencer whose post you like the most.

What kind of content gets likes?

  1. Which of the four 'Influencers' got the likes?
  2. What did they post, why was it effective?

Rinse and repeat

Actors - You now have the opportunity to adjust your post.

Classroom audience - Recast your vote based on the changes that have now been made.


  • Was there as a clear favourite out of the 4 performing Instagram posters?
  • Did one poster receive more likes than a clear 'loser'?
  • How did that make the 'loser' feel? What did they try and do to fix this?

Enquiry questions

  • What kind of content gets likes?
  • Do we make choices on what we post in order to get likes?
  • Do we sometimes share more than we would normally be comfortable with in order to achieve likes?
  • So, why do we need likes?