Forum theatre

Forum theatre example

Now taking the newspaper headlines as a starting point, improvise the scene that follows each freeze frame.

Flesh out the characters and scenes, adding dialogue and movement until there is a realistic portrayal of the latent, emerging and manifest oppression.

Forum theatre rehearsal

Create three scenes showing latent, emerging and manifest conflict with a break in time between each scene.

  • Each scene begins and ends with a freeze.
  • The joker introduces each scene with brief details about the characters, time and place (for the sake of necessity, the joker can also be a performer).


  • The three scenes of the play are performed twice.
  • The first time the play is performed straight through so that the audience becomes familiar with the plot, characters and the issue being explored.
  • After the first performance, the joker will ask for audience comment – what is the cause of the oppression? How can this be addressed? Is there more than one way to do this? They can ‘hot seat’ characters as a way to find out more about them.
  • During the second performance the audience can shout “STOP” and is able to intervene, taking on the role of any character in the play and to try and modify or de-escalate the conflict or bullying that is occurring. The same part of a scene could be done several times, if more than one 'spect-actor' wishes to try!

Note: The first example is only a short moment from a longer piece, and does not include the joker. Note how the performers continue the oppression, despite the best efforts of the spect-actors!

Forum Theatre
Forum Theatre

Here is a full performance. The Joker is Julian Boal - Augusto's son.

Note the joker not only has discussions before each revised performance, but he starts directing during this performance, making sure the principal stops blocking the student, and that the spect-actor isn't 'performing magic'.

Transcript of Forum theatre video
Students performing. Student 1: We think you should come with us.Student 2: Don’t ever do that to us ever again.Student 3: Stopping. Are you ok? I thought we were friends?Student 4: Dude, what are you doing? She was mean to us and you’re just going to let it slide?Student 3: No. I am asking why she did it.Student 4: If you’re not here to sort things out, go somewhere here. Don’t ever do that to us ever again.Student 5: Stop. Can you guys move away? Have you ever thought that she was doing this for a reason? Are you ok? What have you guys done to her?Student 1: Well she was texting me.Student 4: She initiated the fight, we didn’t do anything. This is on her.Student 5: Is there a reason that you did those things?Student 4: Maybe she’s just being a cruel person? Have you ever figured that one out? Don’t ever do that to us ever again.Student 5: Stop. (Laughing) Teacher: It always ends up with someone being slapped. End of transcript.