Lesson 1

The seen and unseen

Exploring ideas through symbols and the role of the spect-actor in Boal’s Image Theatre.


Why Should I Trust You?

Why should I trust you?.mov

Students stand in a circle with their hands behind their backs. One player is selected to stand in the middle. All eyes are closed.

The teacher puts an object in the hands of someone in the circle.

The person in the middle must ask each member of the circle the following: ‘Why should I trust you?’ to which a member must improvise an answer. If satisfied with the answer, he/she invites them to the centre.

Before they can come to the centre they must show their hands. If their hands do not hold the object they can join. If their hands contain the object, the game ends.

Troll Tag (Chain tag)

Troll Tag.mov

One person is 'it' they run to capture others who then link arms. Only the outside ‘arms’ can tag, but they must not break the chain. If the chain is broken, no one can be tagged. The game ends when all are tagged.

The Peruvian Ballgame

Peruvian Ball Game.mov

Students create an action using a type of mimed ball (soccer, tennis, ping pong etc.). They must include a sound with their action. Students repeat the action while moving around the rehearsal space. They instinctively pair up with another student and ‘swap’ actions. This is repeated to the point where the individual actions and sounds have been changed from their origins. Students are then tasked with ‘finding’ their original action.