The following

Emoji masks

Speaking with symbols and metaphors

Linking symbols with the theme of - emoji masks.

View the series of images in the slides below. Choose one to explore.

Discuss the way in which your chosen image uses symbolism and outline the way you could develop a scene.

Select an image and incorporate the use of emojis using the selection provided in the header and discuss the ways in which they can represent a persona/mask.

Create or paint an emoji mask on a small paper plate. You could also create one using technology, print it out and stick it to a paper plate.


  1. What do the masks represent? How can the mask be used in a performance to enhance dramatic meaning?
  2. What is an online persona?

Emoji dialogue

Consider the following online status scenario.

Using the emoji masks can you decide who posted what?

Adapted from:, tagged-English teacher-resource- pdf. Pg. 8 4/3/2019

Discuss the scene.

  1. What has happened?
  2. Recreate a more positive approach to the scenario.