
Under the digital mask

Choose 1 of the options below.

Character hot seat 1

The creator of the image on the right is artist, Jo Newton. Newton has photographed her daughter in a series called 'I will be your mirror' (2013).

Activity: Character hot seat

In focus groups of 5, one of you will become Jo Newton and the other four students are to ask questions and discuss with "Jo" the issue she is commenting on in her work. Use the stimulus picture on the left to give you some context.

Character hot seat 2

The creator of the image on the right is artist, Cam Scott (NOTNOT). Scott is a street artist based in Bondi who's stencil series 'Like: IRL' (2015) comments on the idea of 'likes' and 'follows' as our new digital currency.

Activity: Character hot seat

In focus groups of 5, one of you will become Cam Scott and the other four students are to ask questions and discuss with "Cam" the issue he is commenting on in his work. Use the stimulus picture on above to give you some context.

Image credits
Bedtime stories - Stories ArchivesI'll be your mirror - Jo newton - blogspotBegging - Bhat Kally IRL project - Not not Cam Scott
Date accessed 16/01/2020.