Lesson 1

Caught in the web/net


Circle Image.mov

Circle scene

  • As a class, students enter one at a time into the centre of the circle to create a group - image/sculpture of ‘Caught in the Net’.
  • Bring the tableau to life for a minute - students in the group image activate their stance using sound and/ or movement.
  • The teacher calls ‘freeze’ and will tap individuals on the shoulder to activate their particular action and/or words in isolation.
  • Ideas are then discussed about how we as humans operating in the digital age might be ‘caught in the net’ as suggested by the images, words and stances students have created.
  • Following the discussion, group members are asked to repeat the activity but this time the image is turned around & titled, ‘in control of the net’.

Post warm up activity discussion

  • How can we as users of the internet get ‘caught’ in the web and what are the dangers to look out for: trolls, targeted ads, share, memes, digital footprint and what measures can we take to ensure we are ‘in control’ and not being controlled.
  • Is it possible to be ‘in control’ of digital media and how can that be achieved?