Lesson 1

Film it/Post it

Begin with a warm up.

Warm-up 1 - Action repeat

Action Repeat.mov

This is like ‘chinese whispers’ but with an action (with or without a phrase or a sound).

  • The action is passed around a circle.
  • Each player have your eyes shut (no cheating).
  • All face one way and the player before you when ready to ‘show’ will tap you on the shoulder.
  • Once the circle has completed passing on the action, then the final player shows all.
  • The first player or movement/sound/phrase initiator then demonstrates the original version.

Warm up 2 - Rhythm With Chairs

Rhythm with Chairs.mov

In groups of 5, each performer is allocated a chair/drama block to create a frozen image.

  • Create an image of a body position in relation to the chair. The group numbers each image 1-5.
  • Using the routine of the 5 steps, groups will create an original sequence that generates a silent narrative for an audience.

Variation: decide on a suggested narrative from the audience and playbuild a scene with dialogue that suits that scenario.

Reflect and discuss

  • How were the images and the narrative connected?
  • As witnesses/audience do we need the two to go together, what was added?
  • What might have been missed?