ttm002(Synth A)

 ttm002 is a digital synthesizer with a unique waveform synthesis engine and modulation mechanism.

 ttm002 can generate arbitrary waveforms by adjusting the balance of four basic waveforms, and combinations of the four basic waveforms are provided as presets.

 Instead of shaving the waveforms with a filter, as on most synthesizers, the phase of the generated waveforms can be varied over time to obtain an arbitrary timbre.

 For final tone adjustment, a high-pass filter, low-pass filter, and chorus (scan vibrato) are provided.

 Although it does not have a flashy sound that is very synthesizer-like, it can quickly approach the practical sound needed for a song. How to edit the basic waveform (with a text editor!) I hope to create preset data with you.

Latest version  Ver.01.03: Download from KVR website

1) Fixed a problem in which patch data saved in the host was not reflected correctly.

Old versions:


1) Modified to work correctly even if the mouse cursor goes out of Window while operating knobs, etc.

2) Reduced CPU load.


1) Fixed a bug that the plugin freezes when exiting.



Parameter Description

Basic Waveform Selection

 Select any waveform from among the four preregistered combinations of basic waveforms. A maximum of 32 waveforms can be registered. The combinations of basic waveforms are stored in form.txt in the preset folder.


 Adjusts the range of rounding at both ends of the basic waveform. The larger the number, the softer the tone tends to be. The image is shown when the upper waveform is 0% and the lower waveform is 100%.


 The modulation type can be selected from 1:Mono, 2:Di, and 3:Tri. The higher the number, the more complex the waveform modulation.

 The larger the range, the stronger the modulation effect. The modulation strength can be specified by the modulation envelope.

Volume balance of basic waveform

 Adjusts the volume balance of the four basic waveforms from A to D. The center is volume 0, the upward direction is the volume of the forward phase, and the downward direction is the volume of the reverse phase. The generated waveforms are automatically adjusted so that the maximum value is 1.

 The result of waveform generation can be checked by pressing the View button.

Patch name and basic waveform name

 The upper row shows the patch name. The patch name can be changed by clicking on the patch name display.

 The lower row displays the basic waveform name. The name cannot be edited.


 Adjusts the filter.


 Adjusts the chorus.

Save/Load Patches

 Saves/loads patch data.

Temporary storage of patches

 Temporarily stores the currently selected patch data in preset number 0.

Volume envelope

 Adjusts the volume envelope.

Modulation envelope

 Adjusts the modulation envelope.

Editing Basic Waveform Data

In ttm002, basic waveform data can be edited as desired. The edited basic waveform data is loaded as preset basic waveform data at startup. The basic waveform data is saved in a text file called form.txt in the preset folder. Edit the contents of this file using Notepad or similar.

Format of form.txt

[PRESET],Basic waveform name

[FORM],0,Waveform type,Number of waveforms,Volume,Parameter 0,Parameter 1,...,Parameter 5,Parameter 6

[FORM],1,Waveform type,Number of waveforms,Volume,Parameter 0,Parameter 1,...,Parameter 5,Parameter 6

[FORM],2,Waveform type,Number of waveforms,Volume,Parameter 0,Parameter 1,...,Parameter 5,Parameter 6

[FORM],3,Waveform type,Number of waveforms,Volume,Parameter 0,Parameter 1,...,Parameter 5,Parameter 6

[Waveform type]

1: Sin wave

Parameter 0: Modulation type (1 to )

Parameter 1: Modulation strength (0 to 1)

*The figure on the left is an example with parameter 0 = 1 and parameter 1 = 0. It is a normal sin wave.

2: Square wave

Parameters 0 to 6: Time of the 0th to 6th interval

*The figure on the left is an example when all parameters are 1.

*The percentage of each interval is determined by the ratio of each parameter to the sum of all parameters.

3:Square wave and Sin wave

Parameters 0 to 6: Time of the 0th to 6th interval

*The interval between each segment is not a straight line but a sin wave-derived curve.

*The figure on the left is an example when all parameters are 1.

*The percentage of each interval is determined by the ratio of each parameter to the sum of all parameters.


Parameter 0: Start frequency

Parameter 1: Frequency step

Parameter 2: Number of additions

*From the frequency specified by parameter 0, sin waves are synthesized for each frequency step specified by parameter 1 for the number of times specified by parameter 2.

*The figure on the left is an example for all parameters 0=100, parameter 1=20, and parameter 2=5.

*The percentage of each interval is determined by the ratio of each parameter to the sum of all parameters.

*The calculation algorithm for this waveform is subject to change in the future.

[Number of waveforms]

 Specifies the number of waveforms in one waveform.


 Specifies the initial value set for Balance when a waveform is selected.


Changing Presets

 If any patch data is saved in the preset folder, it will be loaded automatically at startup. Up to 64 preset data can be loaded.

Fine-tune the settings.

 If you operate the GUI while holding down the Shift key, the amount of change in value is reduced to 1/5 of the normal value, making fine adjustments easier.