Troop 4 BBQ

Memorial Day Parade

Court of Honors 

Family Pot Luck Dinner


     The day began with heavy fog followed by rain.   Fortunately the rain ended before the opening ceremonies 

       Troop 4 Drum & Bugle Corps did a brief pre-parade warm up.   Shortly thereafter, a Parade Official came over & asked if we would like to lead the entire Parade.   We were HONORED !!

Memorial Day 24 .mov

       MOST MEMORABLE  👌 ---- From the 1950's until this year ,  Troop 4 had not been so honored ==  to lead the entire Parade  ( following the Bronxville Police vehicles ) as the #2 unit .  

      [ Troop 4 had 100% attendance & with perfect uniforming !     As per tradition, several Troop Alumni attended  & played instruments as Bronxville honored  America's  Veterans. ]

    The day remained grey --- but unlike 2023,  Troop 4 did not have to contend with gusty winds blowing off our campaign hats 🙂

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Troop 4 brothers David & John Paul assisted the officials in the placement of Memorial Wreaths at the flagpole ; then a Troop 4 Bugler played Taps 

 The Troop 4  "I.C.S. contingent" ==                                                                                          Marco & brothers  Marty & Peter.

       Another annually anticipated event is the   TROOP 4 FAMILY BBQ  at the Boy Scout Cabin.

      This year the day was raining as the setup crew arrived at the Cabin ; so we optimistically began the prep

inside the Cabin.   Mother Nature had some major sympathy == the rain stopped & sun appeared right on time  to complete the preparations outdoors.

(  After the post BBQ cleanup was completed & we were on our way home== an evening  downpour let loose !

Per tradition, Mr. & Mrs. Weiner handled all shopping & cooking for the evening.   Most families arrived with supplemental appetizers, entrees, or desserts. 😋

  Per usual the Scouts enjoyed use of the Scout Field; the Parents socialized ; Troop 4 Alumni caught up & reminisced.     A few recuit prospects for next year were guests with their Parents.

 Once again,  an attendance by 100 % of our Scouts !!



      A fine Troop Family event to  end the 2024 Scout Year


       TROOP 4 TOOK HOME ALL  THE HONORS !  🪅 Smiles all around 🙂

> Court Inspection & Attendance: won the ribbon with 90 % attendance & 100% perfect uniforms.

> Commissioner's Cup :  for the best appearance at the Bronxville Memorial Day Parade with 100 % attendance & 100% perfect uniforms.

> Drill Team Competition: once again Troop 4 Drillmaster David M.  & the Troop 4 Squad demonstrated with an  impressive performance

> Commander's Cup:   for best all around Bronxville Boy Scout Troop  [ based on the 5 page form that covers every aspect of the Scouting Year ]

> Individual  Special Awards:

                            Bee Award to top 8% of a Troop for an exceptional  Scout = Luke O.

                            Scout of the Year =  David M.

  > Bronxville Scout Committee Scouter of the Year =  "Uncle" Steve Babcock    --- [  A former Troop 4 Scout in the 1960's  who has dedicated the last 5+ decades to assisting Troop 4 & our Scouts  --- one example: assisting as a leader at Camp Waubeeka ( 2024 will mark 30 summers  !! ]   Thanks to the BSC for this  well deserved recognition !     ( Steve's name is now on the plaque on the wall of our Cabin )


> Back row on left is Finnegan A. = 2023 Troop 4 Eagle Scout Recipient  & our recent Troop 4 Assistant Scoutmaster.        Second from left is David M. , the 2024 Troop 4 Eagle Scout Recipient.

Every Troop 4 Scout  ( except one newest member ) earned a Merit Badge, a BSA Award, or a new Rank !

[ Top left in the picture ==  on the Cabin wall is the giant mounted Moose head donated by the Ibsen family / friends of Troop 4 ]


Family Pot Luck Supper

      Mollie's  esthetic touch --- fall leaves & electric twinkling flame

Scouts, siblings, parents , grandparents , alumni and a few propsective recruits

All set & ready to go ....

Our Scouts made a fire to add to the ambiance