2023 Memorial Day Parade / BBQ / June Awards Night

Memorial Day Parade

Due to an impressive warmup, Troop 4 was moved a few "sections" forward in the line of march.      [ Parade video is thanks to Alumnus, Tom Riggs ]

All the weekly practices at meetings was evidenced by the commendable  marching + playing 

As always Troop 4 benefitted from several Alumni ( Ronak , Sequoyah & Ted Dallhoff ) supporting with their decades of  Drum & Bugle expertise.

Troop Colors were carried by Alumnus & USArmy John Dillon Jr. + two Troop Veterans = Mr. Weiner & Mr. Margand.

This year we had perfect sunny & cool weather --- but the record setting  wind gusts challenged both the Flag carriers AND the Troop campaign hats !!

At the conclusion of the Parade we marched into the school yard for the concluding ceremonies.

At the pre-parade ceremony &  at the school ceremony, Sequoyah was asked to play Taps.

Ceremonies concluded, Troop 4 went to HagenDazs to celebrate.

David Margand was honored to be a  wreath presenter  this year.

The Troop end of the year BBQ   had to allow for the lingering canadian wildfire smoke so the eating was relocated indoors.

Mr. & Mrs. Weiner were essential to the BBQ by spending the evening at the grill .... with various parents keeping them company outdoors. 

The legacy Cabin banquet table was laden with family-provided side dishes to add to the grilled main entrees.

The dining area thinned out as the Scouts & their siblings went out to the Scout Field to enjoy the clear, cool evening.

             ( BBQ pictures by Alumnus Sequoyah Lopez )

2023 June Awards Night saw Troop 4 ending another terrific year :  The Attendance/ Inspection Award  +  The Drill Team Trophy  +   Commissioner's Cup ( Best Troop at the Memorial Day Parade)  +  COMMANDER'S CUP ( Best all around Bronxville Troop ) !!!   

                                                                                                                             ( pix provided by Eliz Racette )