2022 Camp

Nice arial view of our lake... (our campsite is on the hill at the left of this photo & overlooks the lake )


Typical 2 boy tent on a raised wood platform

The famous "Troop 4 Harry Potter Maple Tree " at the rear of our campsite.

> Unfortunately it has fallen gravely ill & will not be there in 2023.   :o(

On our lake: kyaking, canoeing, row boating, sailing & cool daily swimming.

Daily meals are cooked in our site on a "barrell stove" &  a  "sheepherder"   grill.

While preparing meals, there are 2 tubs of water being heated for a sterile cleanup

Meals with friends & guest Staff at our double picnic table

Following each meal the Troop does an efficient hot water cleanup ending with a sanitzer rinse 

" Where's Waldo ?" 

Someone looking for the Troop ?

The Waubeeka Warterfront

structure ---- designed  by  aTroop 4 Eagle Scout & architect, John Davis

Week 1 ends all too quickly 

with a "Closing Camp Campfire" .    

Troop 4 then celebrates another great week with our traditional "Troop 4 Feed " at the MacIntyre Pavillion

Getting outfitted for the Raft Trip on the Sacandaga River.

Walking the raft to the riverside

Memorable as always

Week 2 always atarts with a 5 a.m. trip to the laundromat , breakfast, a trip to an historical site ( This year = Fort William Henry in Lake George ) &

this year a trip to the Great Escape Amusement Park & Waterpark .  Lunch & dinner at local restaurants ( a welcome break from cooking) and then back to Chestertown for the annual fireworks & a night visit to Stewart's for a pre-bedtime snack.

Always spare time for fishing....

or the rifle / shotgun range, archery, nature lodge, scoutcraft

area or just relaxing in the 

Adirondack clear environment !

Lots of friendly wildlife ....

Week 2 also ends with a 

closing Campwide Campfire by our Lake.

Troop 4 's huge assist to Waubeeka

      Beginning during Staff  Week & running through the 3rd night of Week I , 2022 : Howard & Uncle Steve replaced every Quartermaster "pack basket"  in  Camp. 

     After removing a mountain of duct tape, various rope, bailing wire, rotting bungies & worn out shoulder & hip straps  the deecades overdue overhaul was ready to begin.  [ See pix at left ]

      The Reservation Director &  Ranger provided tools & all the new glavanized & stainless hardware & buckets for success.

      Many hours later, dozens of  rejuvenated  baskets were completed ---- one for every patrol in every Waubeeka Troop.    Finally Scouts ----especially smaller Scouts ---- could now bring  commissary supplies to their Troop Sites with less strain & discomfort ! 

                           [ Pix on right .... on day two of the project ]