2019 Camp

Our beautiful lake 

where we swim, boat & fish.

Each week begins & ends with all Troops at our  campfire area

by the lake 

Griffen Garage 

site of  all Merit Badges  in

S-T-E-M  skills

 Camp Climbing Tower

About 10 stories 

( highest structure in the  entire Warren County ! ) 

Waubeeka Waterfront  Structure 

( designed by Troop 4 Eagle / Alumnus John Davis     :o)

Troop 4 "home" for 2 weeks each summer =

overlooking Lake Waubeeka

Our Sunny hilltop site in the Adirondack forest

Two Scouts to each tent on a raised

wood platform

We sleep on spring bed with matress

 No problem when

it rains

Wood trails connect all areas of Camp

The McIntyre Pavillion  is site for Campwide

events  == day or evening...rain or shine

Troop 4 ---as

usual ---  looking sharp !!!

Our 2 Haystack cooksites are covered by Tarps...

...we cook on the 

"barrell stove" ( left)

& the "Sheepherder"

giant grill (right).

Each Scout has specific & rotating assignments to complete each meal

Then we say Scout Grace & dine 

together  on 20 foot picnic table in the

fresh air

First & last dinners each week are served to the Scouts by the Waubeeka Staff in the McIntyre Pavillion.

Rifle & Shotgun

SAFETY & skills taught in Camp

NRA  guidelines are followed including

ear & eye protection

NRA  qualified instructors teach & keep a watchful eye

Troop 4 Bronxville spends the middle-weekend out of Camp at Adirondack Sites

"oh boy !  I shrunk the kids " 

( at the fantastic

Adirondack Museum )

Bow & Arrow range is a favorite

Troop lines up for campwide evening colors

Quite a Troop !!

At our almost 1,000 acre Read Reservation ( with Camp Waubeeka) wildlife is all around us 

2018 Camp Waubeeka 

Troop 4 arrives for another 2 weeks of learning, fun & fellowship in the Adirondacks

      Two Troop 4 Scouts share a tent-on-platform  & spring beds for a comfortable  experience

In Waubeeka are 2 caves available for exploration ... one with a stream through it

Our  ancient "haunted" Maple tree in Haystack

For 13 days &  38 meals we cook on  a barrel stove & sheepherder stove

Sanitary cleanup is maintained  with our 3 step hot water, soap &  chlorine process 

After lunch one hour is reserved for

"siesta" in Haystack campsite 

Long gone are "outhouses" === Waubeeka has modern, private latrines & running water washstand

Every year on the "middle weekend" Troop 4 travels into the Adirondack area to visit historical sites.

This year we took a ferry across Lake Champlain to Burlington Vermont  & a visit to the Shelburne Museum

2016 Camp Waubeeka

This year the "middle weekend trip" included a fun trip to the Great Escape Park  in Queensbury, NY

The day had intermittent showers so the usual lines were absent     :o)