2023 Camp Waubeeka

Arriving for another great summer in the Adirondacks. (Pictured here) are the Waubeeka HQ, Trading Post, Commissary & Quartermaster.

Upon arrival a unique bird ( Ruffed  Grouse) kept a close eye on us  ( often only 6-8 inches away) as we settled in.  Marty, John & Marco getting wood set for our first breakfast.  The Margand brothers use their experience to get the fires glowing. Table is set & waiting. Our two traditional stoves are ( at left) the "Barrell Stove" for boiling & ( at right ) the "Sheepherder" for grilling. The Sheepherder allows us to cook, for example,  a dozen pancakes at once --- or 20-30 sausages --- or browning 10 pounds of hamburger meat quickly.

The doubled picnic tables are comfortable for 13 of us & some guest Staff who join us daily for lunch & dinner. Troop 4 has a respected campwide reputation for spic & span " 3 solution cleanup" following meals

Both weeks we went to "Summit Base" for the challenge of Tomahawk Throwing.

.....not as easy as it looks !

Before returning to Waubeeka,  we stopped by the Buckskin Trading Post for some cooling refreshments

Later in the week we were back at Summit Base on a sunny & warm day for the Zipline into the pond.

Waubeeka Lake is the center for boating & aquatic Merit Badges ( capsized  Scouts practice canoe rescues ) & Swimming & Life Saving.     This year the Read Alumni installed a new "Fishing Dock" halfway down the lake.

Back at Summit Base to meet the challenge of the 10 story " Climbing Tower" == the tallest structure in Warren County --- during off season used by Police & Fire Depts for their training.

Week 1 ends with a trip to the Warrensburg Laundromat &  breakfast.  Then off to an educational venue == this year for a guided tour through  Howe Caverns.  ( 80+ degrees outside == 50+ degrees in the cavern )

Several miles of walking ... 

 ... in the middle, a boat ride on the underground river

 At the " Bride's Altar " == in the floor is a 6 inch thick piece of agate stone lighted from below.         

  Next stop is for lunch.  To make this day a success, we are joined by 3 Troop 4 Alumni :  Mr. Bensburg each summert  drives up from Clermont , Florida .... Mike Clifton from Troy , NY ...  Ben Bromberg ( who volunteers  Week 2  to teach Welding & Metal  Working Merit Badges at our camp  " Stem Ranch" )           For much of the day,  Mr. Bensburg challenges our Scouts with riddles to solve...here with John M. 

Week 1 we go White Water Rafting on the Sacandaga River ... but first we stop for lunch at a nearby roadside eatery.    This year we needed two rafts.

On the mid-weekend trip we headed to miniature golf  & go-carts in Lake George.   Then to dinner at Appleby's

nearby.   Then we  wind up a long day in Chestertown for the annual July Fireworks .

 We begin Week 2 by sleeping late ... & then a trip to Ticonderoga Wallmart to purchase depleted items & brunch at the nearby Subway/ MacDonald/ Dunkin Donuts.   Back at Camp later on Sunday,  we begin Week 2 with the Staff serving a Sunday dinner BBQ at the  McIntyre Pavillion ( seen here ).... then Camp Colors & then the weeekly opening Campfire.

 Troop 4 occupies the Haystack Campsite overlooking our Lake --- up a long hill from the Waterfront.

          ** For additional views of Haystack, refer back to the prior three  years for additional  pictures .....

[ This "new" waterfront building was designed by Troop 4 Eagle Scout & Architect John Davis.)

Following some " record rainfall" the stream through camp ( pictured here )  was several times  wider  & deeper than usual.    In preparation for any rain our Scouts always store dry "starting wood"  { "Be Prepared" ] ----It is notable that Troop 4 remains the only current Waubeeka Troop that cooks on wood fires ( others take a lazy way out with propane )

Wildlife is everywhere : to name a few == Deer , Chipmunks, Grouse, Turkeys,  & plenty of wildflowers !