2023 - 2024


           The enthusiasm was such that ---- despite the record Westchester rain deluge on Friday --- all but one of the Troop  Scouts were at the Cabin at 8 a.m. ready to backpack.

( Left to Right ).     Ronak,  Finnegan,  Marty, David, Sal, Luke, Mike, Jackson, John, Mr. M, J.P., Mr. V.    [ Howard , behind the camera ]  

         We started hiking in a light rain with lots of puddles, swollen streams & mud --- the rain totally let up later on Saturday morning

  As the sun broke through the clouds mid day,  we stopped for a leisurely lunch hour ... AND  a casual game of  " backwoods football "

  Upon arriving at our chosen campsite ==  tarps & tents were set up .... then followed a firebuilding competition that was won by John M with Luke in second place.     The sun was consistent so the weather became extremely mild .... a relaxing dinner followed.   Then an enthusiastic songfeast which included a renewed Troop 4 favorite song from decades past.   Lots of socialization with optional time until each person " hit the hay" .   

ZERO wind  created  a  mild  night  such that no-one could remember any  sleeping conditions this pleasant  :o]

 Sunday we arrived at the "pickup spot"  after 2 days of backpacking , Troop 4 Scouts still had enough energy to busy themselves with pushups,  chinups & tree climbing !!  

  Except for one Scout  ( below,  right )  whose thoughts turned to the homework that awaits at home.  :o( 

                                                                                                                                  Pix by Ronak 

November Hike

One of those " All Season Hikes " :

Morning = drizzle & slippery oak leaves & rocks on the trail

Midday = clear skies & bright sun for mild lunch & camp setup

Night = temps dropped to freezing but with a star filled sky 

    This month we backpacked in Orange & Rockland Counties taking in some of the historical remains from the 19th + 18th   centuries == almost forgotten cemeteries, endless  still standing rock walls &  remanants of iron mines & wagon trails that were main thoroughfares during  those centuries. In some areas it made for a real challenge to hike through a century of overgrown mountain laurel.   Scouts , Alumni & two fathers spent a memorable time on these trails     As per above, the weather was quite diverse so " Be Prepared " was the byword. 

       Jackson did not want to miss the hike due to Saturday also being his Birthday.   To compensate, his father Matt  [ yellow jacket in above pix ] volunteered to backpack with Jackson to represent the rest of the family.  Another related addition:  at the evening campfire,  a song was added  ==  " Happy Birthday ! "  [ No candles ---but lots of glowing coals ]

     It never fails to amaze us how  " civilization " intrudes  when the expectation is that you are "in the wildernes " :  our group walked to one mountain peak just to explore .... there , far from trails or roads, was a prior campfire ring of stones & a half dozen aluminum lawn chairs !    ( They were  covered in dirt & leaves. Once given a hasty cleaning  they had enough strength left for the Scouts to have a weekend of unprecedented comfort , as per the above  picture. )                                                      

 Spare time can be  passed playing " woods football" ,  relaxing while waiting for the pickup to arrive , or some Scouts who can't stand that they are not wet & have to : " tempt fate " on a wet slippery rock in the lake.

Pictures courtesy of Ronak, Troop 4 Alumnus

December Hike

          Thankfully the weather forecast was accurate so our preparations & gear were spot-on for both days.  

Pix of the enthusiatic group as we took to the first trail :  (left to right)  Alumni Mike , Howard, & Ben ....Nate. Luke, Jackson, John.   While it was not raining at all on Saturday it was foggy with humidity but we welcomed the  warmer temps.

     We followed a few colonial era wagon roads ---- some marked & some unmarked.  This allowed us to easily deal with the wet leaves & rocks underfoot.   We made camp on top of a moderately high ridge ; Sunday in the light rain it was an easy two hour hike down to the pickup spot --- although once again the heavy mountain laurel overgrowth challenged us to fight for every foot as we progressed.

      After lunch under a partially blue sky == John , Luke & Jackson found a diversion .   

Later camp was set up ( including a few tarps over the eating area );  it was time to relax , socialize,  play cards,  get tested on Rank requirements  & after dinner enjoy  the usual Troop songs & cheers.       Before dinner there was the usual firebuilding competition.  Jackson was the defending champion from the November Hike  but Luke  & John  managed to tie him for first this time with Nate in second place.    Dinner , as usual, was cooked on an individual basis . Once again there were a few "out of the box"  recipes == honey pulled pork .....reheated pizza slices " that I made from scratch in my school cooking class ".

      As forecast, the rain started at 3 a.m. ..... we appreciated the shelter as we slept "comfy / cozy" , ate breakfast , & packed up under our  5 tarps. 

     With the mostly downhill hike out we successfully reached the pickup parking lot within the estimated time.... & by that time everyone was looking forward to a long hot shower upon arriving  home !!                                                                                pix by Ronak  🫠

March Hike

           After a cancelled February Hike ( two days of rain ) Mother Nature made it up to us with a weekend with plenty of sun & mild Spring temperatures == daytime temps in the 60 's, evening a mild 50's & night time with slight breezes & low 40's.  At night a half-moon was bright overhead ...accompanied by numerous stars & a few recognizable constellations.

           We were in Harriman Park starting at Silvermine Lake ; Menomine Trail ( yellow ) & the  Bockey Swamp Trail ( unblazed) & finished Saturday with our campsite at Letterock Mountain.  Sunday we used the Ramapo Dunberg Trail & then departed on the (now anbandoned ) legacy R/D trail down to the Tiorati parking lot.                                                                                                                   [ All pictures courtesy of Ronak, Troop 4 photographer ]

Crisp morning,.....clear bright skies...full lake from recent rains ..... & motivated Troop 4 backpackers at Silvermine Lake

Sitting on a chunk of rock that was likely moved here in the last ice age ( ending about 25,000 years ago )

Hikers: Jackson, JP, Tom, Luke, David, & Nate --- Ben  in the back        [ adults off camera:   Ronak , Howard

         Taking a mid-day rest after ascending  Letterrock  Mountain on the Menomine Trail

      Sometimes you come across a feature of nature that you never saw in any nature textbooks .....??

April Hike

         It was time for the annual Troop 4 High Adventure Day  == This year it entailed a 20 mile day hike to satisfy a requirement for Hiking Merit Badge.     This traditional event takes a full day with a one hour lunch break.

          Weather was perfect :  50 - 65+ degrees, clear skies & sun broken by cumulous clouds. Fantastic !!

          The hike began at the Scout Cabin ....across Yonkers to the prior Putnam Railroad line ( now a bike & walking

trail ) .... north to Elmsford where we had our lunch break... on to the County Center for the parental pickup.

                       [ As per usual, photos courtesy of  Alumnus & Troop Advancement Chairman, Ronak C, ]

Alumni / Leaders on left == Sequoyah, "Uncle" Steve,  Howard.     Scouts:  Eagle Scout David M ,  Peter O'R  & J.P. M,   , Marty O'R ,  Nate M. ,  Luke O. 

 The Putnam Railroad [ 1881 - 1958 ] goes from the Bronx up through Westchester & was a main  commuter route " back in the day ".

        For much of our route it is paralleled by the Saw Mill Pkway & the NYS Thruway . Considering the current urbanization  it is quite a scenic route with adjacent escarpments  ( as in the above pix ),  the saw mill "river",  ponds ,  a lake ( now absent  while undergoing major dam renovation at  Macy Park )

 Luke gave ALL the Scouts  a break as he singlehandedly carried all their day packs for part of the morning hike.

      At a trailside rest spot in Elmsford we had a relaxing lunch break ... a few Scouts grabbed a " power nap"  :o)

    Educational plaques with historic photos of the rail line  &  each former station site == Almost 70 years after it ended service, some remnants are still visible  ( as above) while others can only be envisioned from the stone & mortar remains.

Many welcome benches are along the route .... In the Yonkers to Hastings section there are numerous unique whimsical bird houses made by volunteers.