Agenda & Schedule


Times are approximate.

9:00--9:30 a.m.  

a) General Meeting  --  At the Bistro Cafe' 

1. Victoria Nova-Yocom, CTT Secretary: Meet & Greet 

2. Kris Saulsbury, Introduction of the Center Workforce Council Staff and the day's agenda and process, CWC Expectations and Goals.

3. Assessment Evaluation Form: While we value our community partners we ask that the Assessment Evaluation form to be completed only by our professional trade and industry partners, union representatives and employment professionals.

4. Center Director, Kim Zufelt, of Tongue Point Job Corps Center (TPJCC), Center Workforce Council (CWC) -- Why/What/How it works, industry placements, starting wages, OBS, how TPJCC is evaluated by Department of Labor (DOL), comprehensive program.

5. Maren Berg-Rooper, Outreach & Admissions, Eligibility vs Suitability for admissions 

6. Carla Pitts, Work Based Learning Specialist: Work Based Learning in general, opportunities for employers, and benefits to employers, students and society and the WBL Interest Form below

9:30--12:00 P.m.

b) Trade Visits Trade visits are in person and students will guide you around Center to the trades you wish to visit. You should have time to visit 2 or 3 trades. Please check out each of the trade pages you are interested in learning about under the Trades page above on the Menu bar.

1. Building Construction Technology (BCT)  

3. Carpentry (CA) 

4. Cement (CE) 

5. Plastering (PL) 

6. Glazing (GL) 

7. Painting (PA) 

8. Welding (WE) 

9. Computer Service Technician (CST) 

10. Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) 

11. Dental Assistant (DA) 

12. Seamanship (SE) 

13. Work Based Learning (WBL) (See page under Trades)

14. Additional Vocational Training Opportunities (See page under Trades)

15. Outreach & Admissions -- For our community partners who are not industry professionals, union representatives or employment professionals but who want to obtain general information about Tongue Point Job Corps and what we do here at Job Corps --  go to the Informational Meet or go to the Outreach & Admissions page under Supporting Departments and join from there.

12:00-1:00 PM.

c) Lunch & Closing --  At the Bistro Cafe'

Victoria Nova-Yocom:

1. Review of process; Assessment Form: how to find and complete the CWC Assessment Form.

2. New members to the council - do you know someone who would be a good addition to the council.

3. Wrap-up, Questions and Comments.

4.     Next In-Person Council Meeting, November 12, 2024, 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 Noon.

5. Thank you! We appreciate you taking the time to join us!!!!!!

1:00 - 3:00 p.m.


CWC assessment 


Professional trade and industry partners, union representatives and employment professionals, after you have completed your trade visit(s), please complete the Assessment Form above.

Work Based learning

interest form

Are you interested in having one of our students for a work based learning internship.  If so, please complete the form above and we will get back with you and talk about specifics.