Volunteer Coordinator

Purpose: Develop and maintain list of PTSA volunteers for various activites

Active/busiest Time of Year: September-October

Estimated Total number of hours spent: 20

Length of position: 1 school year

Skills needed: Excel, willingness to ask people to help

Current Volunteer: Phyllis Mantione

Current commitment: 2017-2018

Position open:

If you would like to know more about this position, contact:

Key Responsibilities:

Ensure volunteer form is up to date (website / paper)

Input volunteer information into Excel spreadsheet

Confirm and welcome volunteers (email)

Provide database to committee chairs to use

Solicit volunteers, as requested (send email with volunteer opportunity and name to contact, if interested)

* Not responsible for scheduling volunteers for committee chairs-this is done by the individual committee. Typically, once the spreadsheet is updated in September/October, all volunteer scheduling falls to the person needing volunteers