Advise, Realisation Implementation FFRM Network Support
Voedselbossen Food Forests Local, International, Natural, Personal, Futureproof Short Page URL Link's make a real Wordwide Paradise! The World Wood Web Link Friendly NetworkAdvise, support to our activities? We like it! Right Here Please; LinkOnderwijs en Stage Mogelijkheden LinkOpgave en voor andere vragen; Gebruik dit formulier LinkMeWe FFRM Sociaal Netwerk Voedselbossen LinkStekjes en Zadenruil voor initiatieven Link
Belangrijk om te starten met verandering van het landschap. Een nieuwe economie, voldoende voor iedereen, gezonde producten, lokale voorziening, nieuwe netwerken. De tijd lijkt er rijp voor juist nu. Voor inspiratie en mogelijkheden in planten en aanleg, bomen en water en lokale natuur in ontwikkeling
Wij organiseren spullen, materialen, workshops en trainingen
Producten die over zijn zijn altijd welkom. Groente- en fruit, brood, levensmiddelen en spullen. Wij helpen een groot aantal mensen in Arnhem en regio wekelijks. Mensen in nood met tijdelijk of structureel geen eten en andere situaties. Wij doen dat gratis sedert tien jaar. Plantmateriaal, training, lezing, workshop of anders; mail of app ons
Telefoon: 06 49 36 78 77
Spreekuur Voedselbossen ! Link
Spreekuur Gezondheid Informatief Link
Spreekuur Juridisch Advies Link
- Google Meet, Whats App, Signal, Jitsi *
#ecologie #ecologischelandbouw #landbouw #deboerderij #voedselzekerheid #natuur #gezondheid #transitie #boeren #akkerbouw #landbouw #tuinbouw
Let's make this World a better place;* Aspects in realisation; Eng* Aspecten: URL: NL
Agroambiental Natuurlijkelandbouw Ecologie Natural Economy Future Proof Native People Natural Living
To show that you think something is a good development? Are you also afraid of change and the judgment of others and whether you will still belong? Honesty and transparency and opening your mouth seem to us key words with care for nature and fellow human beings in the first place. It's time to wake up and do something. Are you also in favor of a healthy and fair future for everyone? Do you make your voice heard wherever it is needed?
Wij nodigen u uit te laten zien dat u staat voor verandering, leefbaarheid en de Aarde;
Een Voedselbos of gelijkwaardig opzetten is iets breder dan alleen bomen planten. Bestemmingsplannen, veranderingen in de omgeving, mogelijke natuurgebieden in de buurt, de bodem- en waterhuishouding, de waarde van de grond, de keuze van je soorten en de verplichtingen die je aan wilt gaan en je gewenste of noodzakelijke(?) opbrengsten zijn van belang om te inventariseren en helder in beeld te hebben.
Wij helpen je graag verder 06 49 36 78 77
'Together We Can make this World a better place'
Food forests everywhere, local food production, basic needs garanteed
Future proof, ecological responsible, local organised, healthy to everybody, beautiful
Fulfill the basic needs of the people in a way it will be future proof
Independence from money availability
Social Justice, pure, natural and future proof
FFRM Network Support and Interaction - International -
South Pole Under Construction
Advise, Realisation, Implementation - ARI - by FFRM Network Also on your location available
We like to work together with all sort of partners around the World.
Way of working:
We understand the situation and your wishes and we like to give these a boost.
We like to work together and so we need facts and clearity from your site.
First we need a small overview about your local situation.
People. projects, wishes, area's.
We need the basic information with some pictures.
Soil situation, land use in the past ten to twenty years
Also wich sort of external contacts and why do you need these.
We offer you as a first step a page on our website.
Send these basic information to;
We will read your proposal and make an comitment
We give background information to natural projects around the world.
If jou like our information it can be used and maybe there are ways to work together or share new information and possibilities
We promot local agriculture, Food Forests, ecological production.
Everybody likes pertners who can help by matériels, agricultures, matériels network, financial gifts, and information.
We understand the situation and your wishes and we like to give these a boost. IWe like to work together and need facts and clearity from your site. Let me know. First we need a small overview about your local situation. People. projects, wishes, area. We need the basic information with some pictures. Soil situation, land use in the past ten to twenty years Also wich sort of external contacts adn why do you need. We offer you as a first step a page on our website. email;
We don't communicate by telephone beacuse of productivity aspects
Let us know your wishes and we will together realise them!
Support questions to grow your initiative?
What do you need, when, in the form of, one time or every given period and how much.
Is there a party, organisation or government you want to get it from?
Do they have special rules or papers which must be used? Please send them to us with your basic contact and initiative backgroundinformation
Now, in this 21 century, we have learned to plant trees and make food forests as the best possible sollution to survive, stimulate biodiversity, have enough foodproduction and a happy life to all living creatures. Our basic goals. Learn to work together with nature in all aspects in your daily life. We will advise you
A General Advise;
How to start on your own location;
A small advise; First Look at Soil quality and history. What happened on these locations with the soil and in the area around? These are important questions to know when you start. Look also at the use of Fertilizers - Insecticides - Round up and more in the years before and at groundwork in general. Make clear notitions about where and when. Take at least the past ten years.
Create a bottomprofile to see what's down under
What's growing on your location when you do nothing at all? Make an inventarisation. It gives you the basic information about soilquality and protects the earth.
Protecting the soil by letting grow is the most important to start.
Just start with the seeds you have and make the first point to produce local food to the people involved
Collecting knowledge fitting to the local situation is basic
Organize smal lectures and start experiments to see how Nature is reacting and feed your knowledge
Our websites gives al lot of examples to see what people doing and all sort of situations
Collect knowledge from older people how they did it before
Collecting water, special local plants and more
Our Organisation can give you all sorts of support
Let us know specific questions and just start today!
We give you all the support you need!
Our knowledge and advice are for free
Make a link on your website and sent us the basic projectinformation to share on ours. We give support and our network to everybody, company and individuals around the World. We ask you to suport us with useful local information and pictures or documents we can share. Lets make this World a better place.
We ask to give us support in return on linkedin - recommendations, and likes on our organisation and the shared information.
We work as a social profit initiative to make this World a Better place to all
Ony other possibilities or proposals are welcome! Please share our information
The future is to us humans to make this World as a real paradise
Good evening, afternoon, Good Morning; maybe a small advice, start a foodforest by yourself, find a location and we will support you.
Your own food, income, future and support to your neighbourhood with food, nature and more. Thank you!
We give you a free page on our website and support. Send your request at
How can we live, again, in harmony with Nature. Transforming our society into A Nature respectable one
November 2020; Frustratie bij natuurbeheerders: 'Toenemende drukte en steeds meer overtredingen'
Wanneer bezoekers een overlast worden; ER is een grote behoefte aan het maken van nieuwe bossen tot ervaringsplaatsen en plekken waar voedsel voorhanden is. Noten, appels, peren, kersen, pruimen, bramen, bessen, kruiden en meer. Zo ontstaan er bijzondere plekken waar mensen waarde aan geven en graag bij betrokken zijn en worden! Zo ontstaan er nieuwe vormen van natuurbeheer en; lokale voedselvoorziening. Maak kennis en locaties toegankelijk!
From the Article Below: "... As individuals, communities and societies we are faced with rapid and profound changes, the breakdown of old structures, institutions and ways of working. We are already in the middle of profound systems innovation and cultural change. In the absence of effective political leadership and faced with the increasing inability of national governments to provide important public services, we are seeing a resurgence of self-help initiatives based on community-level citizen collaboration. ..."
We are a social profit network to support local initiatives around the World. Our goal is to make this World a better place in any aspect in harmony with Nature. To reconnect human and nature and rebalance their interactions. Humans are Nature but it looks like they have forgotten it. Let's reunite.
We think everything is money but we will realise; money is nothing at all. Human and Natural values are essential. We need a complete new value system and another way of thinking.. and acting
“a world of learning ecosystems that empower every young person to live for the greater good”.
The technical aspect is; we cant buy nature back wen it's gone. Our complete economy depends on natural resources and it's growing power. In all aspects. Nature is first.. maybe ... economy is second. Or should health be the second ... and Economy.. ?
The extinction of insects? Or real alternatives?
Small steps from one person can make a huge difference! See the small movie below as an example how you can act;
" ...Tenure security for the indigenous and traditional communities that are often the stewards of forests and natural landscapes is vital for restoration..";
FFRM Network Information:
Articles can be published on our website after approval by our editors. We work as an non profit initiative. Send us your article with one or two photos with a clear subject.
Let us know !!!
World Wide Wood Web WWWW
Natural, Personal, Futureproof
A Natural Network to support living initiatives with all aspects:
- Locations
- Consciousness & Brain
- Investment
- Natural Food
- Healthy
- Food Forests
- Monitoring
- TIny Houses
- New laws
#regenerative #healthy #futureproof #foodforests #tinyhouses #newlaw #naturalfoods #consciousness #seeds #food #plants #nature #regenerativeagriculture #energy
- Eigenlijk moeten we als Nederland helemaal overstappen op biologische landbouw;
- Steeds meer voedselbossen: 'Dit is de landbouw van de toekomst'
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