Participatory Modelling of Surface and Groundwater to Support Strategic Planning in the Ganga Basin in IndiaThe Ganga Basin in India experiences problems related to water availability, water quality and ecological degradation because of over-abstraction of surface and groundwater, the presence of various hydraulic infrastructure, discharge of untreated sewage water, and other point and non-point source pollution. The basin is experiencing rapid socio-economic development that will increase both the demand for water and pollution load. Climate change adds to the uncertainty and future variability of water availability. To support strategic planning for the Ganga Basin by the Indian Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation and the governments of the concerned Indian states, a river basin model was developed that integrates hydrology, geohydrology, water resources management, water quality and ecology. The model was developed with the involvement of key basin stakeholders across central and state governments. No previous models of the Ganga Basin integrate all these aspects, and this is the first time that a participatory approach was applied for the development of a Ganga Basin model. The model was applied to assess the impact of future socio-economic and climate change scenarios and management strategies. The results suggest that the impact of socio-economic development will far exceed the impacts of climate change. To balance the use of surface and groundwater to support sustained economic growth and an ecologically healthy river, it is necessary to combine investments in wastewater treatment and reservoir capacity with interventions that reduce water demand, especially for irrigation, and that increase dry season river flow. An important option for further investigation is the greater use of alluvial aquifers for temporary water storage.

Wij hebben al verschillende keren de aandacht gevraagd voor een andere omgang met water. #Gelderland, #Nederland, West Europa en grote delen van de Wereld zijn in sneltreinvaart aan het #verdrogen. Dat wil zeggen; onvoldoende drink- en waswater als gevolg en zware verdroging van natuurgebieden en leefomgeving waaronder #tuinen en #plantsoenen. Met die verdroging komt ook de voedselproductie onder druk te staan. Er is een drastische omslag nodig in de omgang met water. Poelen graven, bomen planten, uitdroging voorkomen, water opvangen, #bodembedekking realiseren, anders en minder maaien etc. Bekenwater bottelen (zoals in Arnhem, Apeldoorn en andere plaatsen mogelijk is, buffer- bezinkvijvers maken, #watervoorraden aanleggen in ondergrondse bergingen etc. Leefbaarheid en duurzaamheid op de eerste plaats stellen is nodig. - Voedselproductie in water, drijvende woningen en het aanleggen van #voedselbossen en onze leefwijze als geheel drastisch veranderen zijn mogelijk en ook noodzakelijk Werkt u mee? India laat zien hoe het kan en is daar al een aantal jaren mee bezig; Een goed voorbeeld hoe dat in Nederland kan! Graaf een poel! #water

Lokal parties:

Soil is the base of everything. Future, food and health. We as the international society have to restore a lot of grounds around the World. There are some specific tools to stimulate this proces in the best way. Our page about 'Soil' gives more backgroundinformation about this item.

"The new Soil Intelligence System (SIS) for India will help the states of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar and Odisha rationalize the costs of generating high-quality soil data and build accessible geospatial information systems based on advanced geostatistics. The SIS initiative will rely on prediction rather than direct measurements to develop comprehensive soil information at scale. The resulting data systems will embrace FAIR access principles — findable, accessible, interoperable, and reproducible — to support better decision-making in agriculture. ..."

Quotes from link above;

"... Zero-budget natural farming (ZBNF) is reported to be followed by 8% of farmers in Andhra Pradesh, making it probably the world’s most successful natural farming approach. “Adoption rates elsewhere of nature-friendly agriculture rarely exceed 1%,” says Vijay Kumar, the government Advisor rolling ZBNF out.

It is called “zero-budget” because all inputs are made from local natural materials at little or no cost. This offers farmers an escape from the debt that often entraps them when they spend heavily on chemical fertilizers and pesticides and then their crop fails. Debt is a cause of the crisis of farmer distress that is sweeping rural India. Severe drought currently grips three quarters of the state. ..."

".... ZBNF offers an alternative to these inputs, and farmers who adhere to ZBNF swear by it. “I will never go back to chemicals,” says Hanumantha Rao. He blames the chemicals for unhealthy food and much of the ill health in his village.

“Technology and nature are wonderful things. With ZBNF, we will be chemical free with good air, water, food and soils,” says Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu. A modernizer who made Hyderabad an IT hub, Naidu would like to see all six million farmers in the state take it up by2024.

But there is one snag to all this. How do the practices that constitute ZBNF actually work? The science that underpins ZBNF is still largely unknown, the mechanisms producing results mostly undocumented. This, however, should soon change, and gaps will be filled. “We are taking help from various centres so that ZBNF is scientifically established,” explained Vijay Kumar. ..."