Brasil; Por favor acorde; Brazil; please wake up; Short URL to this page;
October 2020; This is my message to the western world - your civllisation is killing life on Earth | Nemonte Nequimo;
"My name is Nemonte Nenquimo. I am a Waorani woman, a mother, and a leader of my people. The Amazon rainforest is my home. I am writing you this letter because the fires are raging still. Because the corporations are spilling oil in our rivers. Because the miners are stealing gold (as they have been for 500 years), and leaving behind open pits and toxins. Because the land grabbers are cutting down primary forest so that the cattle can graze, plantations can be grown and the white man can eat. Because our elders are dying from coronavirus, while you are planning your next moves to cut up our lands to stimulate an economy that has never benefited us. Because, as Indigenous peoples, we are fighting to protect what we love – our way of life, our rivers, the animals, our forests, life on Earth – and it’s time that you listened to us. ..."
Juridisch, Procedure: Gezien de huidige ontwikkelingen in Brazilië een aandachtspunt voor het beleid van Nederland met de uitnodiging dit breed onder de aandacht te brengen;.
"... Platform voor onderzoeksjournalistiek Investico onderzocht voor De Groene Amsterdammer en Trouw deze duurzame beloftes en ontdekte dat er van die ‘duurzaamheid’ weinig te vinden is. Integendeel: de projecten waar Nederland aan bijdraagt werken ontbossing, gewapend conflict en landroof in de hand. Nederland weet dit, maar ambtenaren zien deze gevolgen voornamelijk als een reputatieprobleem, zo blijkt uit interne stukken die we in handen kregen dankzij een beroep op de Wet openbaarheid van bestuur.
Waarom belooft Nederland duurzaamheid te garanderen? ..." Tijd voor echte Nederland: Wie maakt met ons aanhangig en pleiten en realiseren van verandering in onze grondwet? Teken onze petitie:
With thanks to the Dutch governement the following situation?
It's hopeful they survived. Beside that millions burned alive. It's Ecocide and that's a crime also to humanity. There are some movies showing how the bush-fires where organised on the ground and by satellite from above. It's also about the influence form different countries like Holland with a bad influence because of meat-production and cattle foodproduction.
Some countries made specific area's, or even a river, as a National monument with a own juristic entity. It gives the possibility to protect against anything.
We need to transform the goals and the way of working! Natural forest can't be easily restored. Nature is the basic in all our human activities. Restore and work together with Nature. Native people has the basic knowledge to work in harmony with Nature. Nature and living Naturel is a human right because without Nature we talk about extinction rebellion. Link It's rebellion about Earth and future. Do you understand? Support and let us know your ideas and actions.
May 2020; Amazon forest; Deforestation doubled, also thanks to the interests of the Netherlands
From LinkedIn: Video produzido pelo Observatório do Clima desmistificando algumas "conclusões" difundidas atualmente.
July 2020; Mongabay; Only a few 'fotten appels'causing most illegal Brazil deforestation: study
July 2020; Nederlandse trustbazen en notarissen waren cruciaal in Braziliaans bedrog;
November 2020; Green groups denounce Brazil's 'sham' Amazon tour for foreign diplomats
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September 2020; Amazonia racing toward tipping point, fuele by uregualted fires;
Brazil court blocks move to repeal mangrove protections
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