FFRM Network
* Food Forests * Natural living * Future Proof
*Network Organisation
Practical Tools and Advise Network
Regenerative agriculture
Food and shelter are human rights
Acces to Nature is a Human right
Basic information about realising Food Forests with Examples from around the World; www.ffrmnetwork.org
Let's make this World a better place;
Native people tell us basically how to restore that what Western society destroyed on different levels. It gives an opportunity to Western society to change their believe and restore in the direction of harmony with Mother Nature. That's a Western basic Need
As a non profit grass-root organization we stimulate Food Forests in General everywhere. We give information about agriculture and agroforestry combined and more. We collect all sorts of information about agroforestry and are also active in agroforestry research.
Motivations to do our Work:
Natural health * Innovation * Perspective in agriculture * Food security * Regenerative agriculture and gardens*
Sustainability * Rights of Indigenous people * Social help * Education * Save our planet * Earthcare *
Free from financial slavery * The future of our children * Deep democracy * Grateful gardens * Inspiration * Monitoring *
Network * Climate Change Anwers * Agro Ecology * Regenerative agriculture * Syntropische landbouw * Ancient Future *
Regeneration Gardens* Refind Ancient Native knowlede * Future Proof * ....
* Consultation possible in any given situation
* Exchange of useful information * organisatie@ffrmnetwork.org
Let's make this world lookalike a paradise!
We have an important question;
We give away bread and food for the needy over six years now. We try to help in all fundamental aspectes like; food, advise, writing letters, procedures, sustainable living and more. Support in the form of food or other useful materials and more locations to continu en let grow our work is welcome organisatie@ffrmnetwork.org
'Let's make this World a better place'!
Understanding Nature ; Signs of Life
And that's all you need to do: Grow your own local food! Looking for places to start new projects! We give also support to all sorts of local projects: Commynitygarden, foodforest, agroforestry and more: www.ecovrede.nl & www.ffrmnetwork.org
Regelmatig verzorgen wij een rondleiding in ons Voedselbos. Dat kan met een toelichting over geschiedenis, mogelijkheden en toekomst van deze locatie, Park Lingezegen en de omgeving.
Een voorbeeldfunctie en inspiratie voor de landbouw en inspiratie voor de ontwikkeling van Voedselbossen in het Algemeen. Groepjes kunnen zich melden voor een rondleiding of kennissessie. organisatie@ecovrede.nl
Wij verzorgen workshops en advies voor de ontwikkeling van locaties tot inspirerende Voedselbossen en meer - 2.0. www.ffrmnetwork.org intussen met ruim tien jaar ervaring en een groeiend netwerk op (o.a.) LinkedIn
Wij zoeken meer ruimte voor de ontwikkeling van bijzondere innovatieve voedselbossen en werkruimtes voor onze organisatie www.ecovrede.nl Tips, verzoeken, voorstellen en suggesties zijn welkom organisatie@ecovrede.nl
Belangrijk om te starten met verandering van en in het landschap. Een nieuwe economie, voldoende voor iedereen, gezonde producten, lokale voorziening, nieuwe netwerken. De tijd lijkt er rijp voor juist nu. Voor inspiratie en mogelijkheden in planten en aanleg, bomen en water en lokale natuur in ontwikkeling www.ffrmnetwork.org
Producten die over zijn zijn altijd welkom. Groente- en fruit, brood, levensmiddelen en spullen. Wij helpen een groot aantal mensen wekelijks. Mensen in nood met tijdelijk of structureel geen eten en andere situaties. Gratis sedert tien jaar. Voor spullen aanmelden, vragen of een eigen noodsituatie; mail of app ons www.ecovrede.nl organisatie at ecovrede.nl
Telefoon: 06 49 36 78 77 Arnhem en regio.
Andere plaatsen en spullen uit andere regio's in overleg. Brengen kan altijd. App ons even!
Een Voedselbos of gelijkwaardig aanleggen is iets breder dan alleen bomen planten. Bestemmingsplannen, veranderingen in de omgeving, mogelijke natuurgebieden in de buurt, de bodem- en waterhuishouding, de waarde van de grond en de verplichtingen die je aan wilt gaan en je gewenste of noodzakelijke(?) opbrengsten zijn van belang om te inventariseren. Voorbeelden www.ffrmnetwork.org Wij helpen je graag verder organisatie@ecovrede.nl
Our Mission: Let's make this world be(e) friendly as a real paradise!
Everybody has the possibility to participate in our way of working
Stimulate consciousness in every aspect were you
see better possibilities
Try to help each other in any aspect
Let us know your actions and thoughts and participate into the new possibilities
Sing, act, inform, change your perspective, choice to create happiness, plant a tree, innovative, healthy, good for your children and future proof in any aspect. You will start today? We will help you!
Ecovrede Nederland Er zijn goede alternatieven voor een echte transitie in de landbouw. www.ffrmnetwork.org Het is niet een kwestie van; 'omslag nodig'. Het is een kwestie van overleven als samenleving. Het economisch systeem ligt op zijn gat, onze bodem is zwaar vervuild en de bevolking kampt met tal van welvaartsziekten. Daarbij verdroging en tientallen andere kwesties die vragen om een nieuwe balans in onze verhouding met de natuur en de natuur alle ruimte geven. Willen wij blijven eten dan kan dat door met burgers, lokale projecten op te zetten met lokale afzet en betrokkenheid. Het gaat niet meer over geld(!) www.ecovrede.nl voor meer achtergronden
Your own True Nature and True Nature in General
We ask you to make a decision; Lets make this World a more natural, healthy and beautiful place. We inform you, invite you and stimulate were asked to start beautiful initiatives all over the World.
We started with our EcoPeace Mark to invite all sort of people, organizations, company's, and others to participate in a new society Link (Dutch)
EcoVrede Nederland initiatieven en publicaties:
Armoede..; of een verkeerde benaming Artikel
Afvalverwerking; een andere aanpak Artikel
Tiny Houses en Natuurontwikkeling
Ontwerpschets met de uitnodiging ons ruimte te geven
Food Forests Advice, Realisation, Implementation Social Profit
Welcome! We are happy that you are interested and that you are visiting our website. We have a lot to tell you. Our basic goal is building up stepping stones to a natural-living society in harmony with nature. Making a paradise! Creating a form of a Local Natural Basic Income. We initiate food forests wherever needed or asked for. A food forest (FF) is a first practical stepping stone towards a different way of working in food production and agriculture, support of natural biodiversity, education and other useful aspects to serve this society. In most countries, food forests are only in the beginning of their progress. A lot has to be studied. Because of that, we made a first step, as you can read below, in 'scientifically proven' research methods, a quality mark to serve initiatives, and backup in realizing food forests on every location in the world. We give advice and support and ask you to participate in our network. Together we can make this world a better place. You will find more information here.
We like to share our knowledge about the possibilities and the profits of implementing food forests. It's all about an innovative new way of thinking and acting!
A food forest is a climate-smart and environmentally sustainable food system
Food for free as a natural basic income. Everybody has the right to eat and the right to feed their children in the best way possible!
Food forests as a new way of thinking, acting and organising:
future-proof, inspiring, healthy, good looking, cool and social
When we started after a lot of research:
EcoVrede Netherlands and FFRM Network:
Vision Document
'Land restoration combined with the realization of Food Forests will fight climate change, protecting ecosystems with good results in health, educational possibilities, stimulating biodiversity, the stable availability of building materials, and more. The future of man is in the woods. Let's make a paradise!'
Abstract FFRM Network Spring 2018 Presentation at the EURAF Conference Nijmegen NL
'Food forests increase livability especially when they are realized in or nearby cities. That is also an aspect of choice in the development of, or in adaptations to, a city. The question is; w hat is in the first place; income through new constructions or livability and various other health-generating aspects to all people. We like to inform you! www.ffrmnetwork.org'
We have to change our way of thinking and decision making!
Honest products, way of working and future proof; how can we act in a more natural way as human beings? What can we learn to our children about nature and natural living and protect their future for example by planting food forests. www.ffrmnetwork.org
Please fill out the online form by clicking this link:
We respect your privacy and will only send essential information no more as once every month.
You can reach us about:
Advise in starting a food forest
Research tools
Lecture or meeting
Background information
Specialist questions
Social and Money aspects
Or any related item!
* Legal support in legal and regulatory matters, changes and extra statements
* Writing documents and requests
* Setting up partnerships
* Advice in realization of the combination nature and food production, business transition
* Realization of food forests and other natural initiatives - planning, workshops, guidance
* Innovations in science related to building up a healthy society
FFRM Network
Food Forest Realisation & Monitoring
A new social initiative in building up a healthy society!
We like to work together with different persons and organizations around the World in all sorts and forms!
Advise, research, helping hands, innovative concepts, new goals, working with new rules, understanding nature!
Consultation hours for food forests and related initiatives
Every wednesday afternoon we provide a consultation hour from 13 to 15 hours.
Information that can help you;
Design and construction
Involved Instances
Guidance in specific processes
Plant material selection
Soil processing aspects
Communication aspects
Applications and budget
FFRM Quality mark for your location
Network partner
Sharing research data
** All other common topics.
We provide lectures and workshops for starting groups.
You can subscribe to our regular information service.
Questions also possible by email
By telephone on request
Visit us in Arnhem - Netherlands
FFRM network; Food Forest Realization and Monitoring
Po Box 60051 6800 JB Arnhem - NL / EG
Email: organisatie@ffrmnetwork.org
EcoVrede Nederland - Stichting EVS NL - EG
Bank: NL23RABO158439635 on the name of EVS - Arnhem NL
KvK: 50879804 NL
If you like to get our publication on paper please(!) set your name and address extra(!) in the description at your payment!
Copyright by Stichting EVS Netherlands EU 2018 and beyond All rights reserved' Food forests increase livability especially when they are realized in or nearby cities. That's also an aspect of choice in the development of, or in adaptations to, a city and the policymakers. What's on the first place; income through new constructions or livability and various other health-generating aspects to all the people?
We like to inform you! It's about a new way of thinking and acting. 'Let's make this World a better place to be!' www.ffrmnetwork.org
We ask for locations to realize these wonderful initiatives. See our website to get more information www.ecovrede.nl or send us an email at: ffrmnetwork at gmail.com '
Hoe natuurvolkeren in de problemen komen en wat zij eten moeten aanpassen vanwege palmolieplantages.Het is er moeilijker op geworden .. niet beter. De natuur gaat achteruit, soorten nemen af en er is minder keuze en er moet meer gekocht worden.
Zo geraken mensen in een visieuze cirkel. Tijd om te veranderen en natuur als eerste prioriteit neer te zetten in al onze besluiten. Wij hebben heel veel kleine en zelfstandige boeren nodig die lokaal aan de slag gaan.
World Wide Wood Web WWWW
Natural, Personal, Futureproof
A Natural Network to support living initiatives with all aspects:
- Locations http://tiny.cc/pqfd9y
- Consciousness & Brain http://tiny.cc/jnid9y
- Investment http://tiny.cc/pjid9y
- Natural Food http://tiny.cc/9yfd9y
- Healthy https://tinyurl.com/y4kmto68
- Food Forests www.ffrmnetwork.org
- Monitoring http://tiny.cc/dohd9y
- TIny Houses http://tiny.cc/eqhd9y
- New laws https://tinyurl.com/y5ujazvx
#regenerative #healthy #futureproof #foodforests #tinyhouses #newlaw #naturalfoods #consciousness #seeds #food #plants #nature #regenerativeagriculture #energy