Banner of our Write a Script competition
People doing art: painting, working on a sculpture and creating an outfit


Calling all 11-18 year olds!

The Write a Script competition is open to all young people aged 11 to 18 in full-time education in the UK. 

You will write a script for a short explainer video (maximum 210 words for approximately 12 scenes). Examples of videos can be found here

We encourage you to use animal characters to tell your story! You can write a story with characters already residing in the garden or make up new characters. Or go for the combination of new and old characters. The choice is yours!

Fashion designer working on an outfit, person creating a necklace, old person painting

The theme

The scripts should be centred on the nature and value of value of art, the role art plays (or should play) in our lives, or disagreements about the merit or the interpretation of artworks. 

Questions that can be addressed include:

How are entries judged?

Entries are assessed based on the fit between the script and the theme of the competition and on how engaging and thought-provoking the script is! 

Prizes and rewards

We are looking forward to receiving your entry. 

Competition information and eligibility criteria

To submit your entry, fill this form!

tortoise with sad expression
wolf, snake and butterfly
bee and butterfly have a fight in the poppy field

Past competitions

Our first competition ended in February 2024 and asked participants to explore how people with different beliefs and values can deal with disagreement and come to a decision or solve a problem together.

People have different beliefs and values which means that they often disagree about issues that matter to all of us, such as whether vaccines are safe, whether non-human animals have rights, and whether our personal freedom should be constrained for the public good. How should people deal with disagreement? Can they still engage with each other's views constructively, make decisions, and solve problems when if they have reasons to disagree with each other?

The winning script has been made into an animated video, produced by Squideo, and is featured on The Philosophy Garden. The video, The Foal and the Sage Stallion, has been widely promoted on social media together with all our resources. It will also be an exhibit at the Philosophy Museum in Milan (Italy). The winning script and the two runners-up are published here.

The competition was made possible by the support of an AHRC Impact Acceleration Award for a project entitled: "Towards a more cohesive digital society". Members of the jury included four philosophers at the University of Birmingham working on the themes of the competition: Jeremy Williams, Merten Reglitz, Kathleen Murphy-Hollies, and Lisa Bortolotti.