The Hungry Caterpillar

Watch the story of the hungry caterpillar...

The Hungry Caterpillar was produced by Squideo from an idea and a script by Anna Ichino

If you cannot access YouTube, you can watch the video here.

Boy and girl are talking in the garden
A girl is taking pictures of a butterfly while her younger sibling is stretching in the garden

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Nature facts

Caterpillars really are insatiable! They are often described as "eating machines". They eat flowers, grass, honeycomb, twigs and bark, moss and lichen.

Green caterpillar eating a leaf


The inspiration for the video is the story by Eric Carle, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. In Carle's classic book, we are introduced to the proverbial hunger of a caterpillar. He turns into a beautiful butterfly in the end.