The Wolf, the Snake, and the Butterfly

A wolf, a snake, and a butterfly meet in the clearing to talk...

The Wolf, the Snake, and the Butterfly was produced by Squideo from an idea and a script by the young people of the Voice Collective, with the collaboration of Fiona Malpass, Lisa Bortolotti, and Kathleen Murphy-Hollies. The video is part of EPIC, a project on Epistemic Injustice in Healthcare, funded by Wellcome.

If you don't have access to YouTube, you can watch the video here.

Nature facts

Contrary to popular belief, most snakes are neither venomous nor dangerous. Snakes defend themselves if someone disturbs or attacks them but are not aggressive towards humans. Yet, many people are scared of snakes and make assumptions about their being dangerous. So, Snake in our video is right that his bad reputation is undeserved.

Wolves are highly intelligent and sociable animals, capable of developing strong bonds with members of their packs. Being left out in the way Wolf is in our video would be a big deal for them and being isolated or excluded can be very distressing. 

Seeing a chewed leaf might make us think that caterpillars are good for nothing but eating and destroying plants. However, caterpillars are actually very important to their environment even before they become pollinators. They prevent vegetation from growing too quickly and depleting nutrients in the soil. So Bee's attitude towards caterpillars and butterflies in our video is unjustified.

Snake with big eyes


Wolf, Snake, and Butterfly talk to each other about their experiences with humans and other animals and support each other. What happens in the clearing, sharing experiences in an environment that is safe and non-judgemental, is what happens in the Voice Collective. Young people who hear voices and have other unusual experiences or beliefs can come together and connect with people who are in a similar situation.

Our video has been inspired by the experiences of young people who hear voices. They often feel that they are excluded, or regarded as dangerous or useless. They are sometimes made to feel like a burden or that their perspectives don’t matter. The video is an invitation to go beyond the stereotypes and see the person, not the label. To learn more about myths and truths about hearing voices, visit The Voice Collective website.