The Visitor Centre

Here are some useful resources on some of the themes explored in our videos, including:


A boy and a girl in the library

In the classroom

Questions to guide reflection and discussion

Teenagers on the sofa chatting

Seminar Room

Short videos by experts

Young man with popcorn and headphones

Video Library

Some interesting audio / video material

Additional reading

Young woman with headphones and eye mask on a plane

Echo chambers: do we know if we are in one?

Two girls looking surprised

Can conspiracy theorists change their minds?

Group of friends, hugging

Conspiracy theories take hold at age 14.

Young man looking at the paper and making a shocked face

Are conspiracy theories dangerous?

Young woman relaxing on a beanie bag

Will universal internet access reduce inequalities?

Girl with pink short hair looking surprised

The importance of free broadband: who pays for it?

Stern looking judge (female)

Are conspiracy theories irrational?

Pictures on a board

Identifying conspiracy theories

Young man in a green jumper looking suspicious

Why don't we believe in science?

Young woman with tattoos smiling

Internet access as a human right

Boy getting water from a fountain in a park

Can the internet really help us?

Boy eating watermelon

Let's ensure universal access to the internet!