News and Events

Jessica Sutherland presents The Ant and the Grasshopper

Sessions with students 

Sessions with teachers 

Young person accessing The Philosophy Garden videos at the Philosophy Museum

Exhibition at The Philosophy Museum

There was an exhibition on Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories at the Philosophy Museum in Milan from 5 to 22 February 2024 where The Philosophy Garden videos were available for viewing to secondary school students and the general public. Check out the exhibition website (in Italian). Some further information (in English) here. The exhibition had over 3,500 visitors in two weeks.

Philosophy Museum poster

Screening and panel discussion at the MAC

There was a screening of three videos followed by a panel discussion with experts and an interactive session with the audience at the Midlands Arts Centre (Birmingham) on 18th March 2024.

During the evening we presented a certificate to the winner of our first Write a Script competition. Read the winning script here. Watch their video here.

Screenshot of a blog post on the Daily Nous

On the web

The Philosophy Garden was featured on The Daily Nous!

Lisa Bortolotti presenting a paper using Ant and Grasshopper

Conferences and seminars