February 15

ADSY PEP Summer Workshop
Thursday, February 15, 2024 | 9:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. CT

Please register and complete pre-work by Monday, February 12



SLIDES: ADSY PEP Summer Feb 15 Workshop.pdf


RECORDING: 2.15.24 ADSY Cycles 1-3 Workshop #2.mp4

Peer Exchange and Sustainability Breakouts

Additional Resources

Additional video clips focused on program alignment and family engagement will be added to the Planning Guidance pages in the coming days. 


Workshop Overview & Purpose:  In this workshop, we will share peer progress and consultation in areas identified for continuous improvement from November’s Meaning-Making session with AIR and elevate practical and effective strategies within the group that support facets of sustainability. We’ll connect with peers in various formats to share ideas and advance our thinking around program alignment and scheduling, family engagement, data collection and use, and other topics of interest among the group. As we wrap up our final connection point as a cohort before our summer send-off, we’ll return to the topic of sustainability and share new resources to support your planning efforts moving forward. Leave new and clarified ideas to make 2024 your best one yet!

Intended Audience: Project Managers; Steering Committee Members; campus principals and additional district leaders, or external stakeholders (recommended if not represented on Steering Committee) that support academics, enrichment, professional development, site operations, data collection, evaluation, and sustainability.

Project Managers are required to attend. We strongly encourage each LEA to bring at least one additional team member such as a steering committee and/or campus leadership. In the event a Project Manager cannot attend, they should appoint and prepare a representative to attend on their behalf. If no LEA representatives can attend, the Project Manager should notify TLA and TEA by the registration deadline to discuss next steps.


9:00 a.m. 

Warm Welcome & Preparing to Engage

We'll welcome everyone into the virtual space, remind you of what is due in the Revision Submission, and highlight our goals for the day to help you advance your planning efforts.

Featured Speakers: The Learning Agenda

9:10 a.m. 

Spotlight on Program Alignment and Family Engagement

Learn and share strategies for leveling up in strong planning, program quality, and engagement through program alignment and family engagement. We will highlight a variety of effective and promising practices from ADSY and other summer program practitioners.

Featured Speakers: TBA


9:50 a.m. 

ADSY PEP Summer Planners "Hero's Journey" Peer Exchanges

You have all been working hard to make Summer 2024 the best summer yet but you all have your own journey to get there. In small groups organized by topics of interest, you will share:

Please complete the required pre-work by February 12.

10:50 a.m. 



10:55 a.m. 

Strides Towards Achieving Sustainability

Connect with peers about your progress towards sustainability since the November Convening (i.e., what has happened; how are you using strategies and resources?) and learn more about sustainability resources you can access.

Featured Speakers: Amy Loar, Texas Grant Resource Center

11:25 a.m. 

Other Resources and Updates to Support Your Work, Look Ahead, & Optimistic Closure

We will close with additional guidance about HQIM and end-of-summer reporting, highlight additional resources, and look ahead to what's next in our collective and individual journeys toward Summer 2024.

Featured Speaker: 

11:45 a.m. 



This workshop includes focused large-group discussions and reflections on program alignment, scheduling, and sustainability. It will also feature one peer exchange on a growth area of your choosing, which will help move your work forward on your Revision plan due on April 4. Please see the requested and recommended pre-work below to help us have productive discussions. 

By February 9:

By February 12:

Your submission should clearly indicate your LEA name at the top. Please reference examples of weekly schedules from previous years on the Community Hub.

Required peer exchange preparation before the workshop (does NOT need to be submitted)

Familiarize yourself with what is due in the Revision Submission on April 4 and as an LEA team choose one of the topics below that has been identified through the Reflection and/or November Meaning-Making process as a growth area that you would like to discuss further with your peers. Prepare responses to the prompts below for a productive group conversation. 

Peer Exchange Topics 

If you will have multiple LEA representatives at the workshop and wish to split your team into two or more areas, please make sure each individual knows which area/breakout they should choose in the registration form and have prepared talking points. 

Peer Exchange Prompts

Optional pre-work to support ideas and conversation (as time allows):