January 23

ADSY PEP Summer Workshop
Tuesday, January 23, 2024 | 9:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. CT



RECORDING: ADSY PEP Summer Cycle 4 Workshop 1.23.24

(Speaker resources - slides 13-26)

ADSY PEP Summer Jan 23 Workshop Slides.pdf


FINAL Pre-Work Deck- January 23 Peer Exchanges.pdf



Workshop Overview & Purpose:  This workshop will set the stage for the next part of the strategic planning process with an emphasis on enrichment, student recruitment and attendance, and teacher care. We will hear from you how you are currently applying what you are learning and elevate best practices from across the ADSY summer learning community. LEAs will have multiple opportunities to connect in smaller peer groups to present ideas, receive consultation, and grow your thinking on aspects of your marketing and enrichment plans.

Intended Audience: Cycle 4 Project Managers, Cycle 1-3 New Project Managers, All Steering Committee Members; Additional Campus and District Leadership, Representatives from curriculum and instruction, marketing and communications, and family engagement.

Cycle 4 Project Managers are required to attend and we strongly encourage each LEA bring at least one member from their steering committee and/or campus leads. In the event a Project Manager cannot attend, they should appoint and prepare a representative to attend on their behalf. If no LEA representatives are able to attend, the Project Manager should notify TLA and TEA by the registration deadline to discuss next steps.


9:00 a.m. 

Warm Welcome & Preparing to Engage

Reconnecting in the virtual space with peers and partners, sharing some highlights from your ADSY PEP Summer journeys to-date, and preparing to engage for the day. 

Featured Speakers: The Learning Agenda

9:10 a.m. 

Summer Program Introductions

Through small and large group interactions, you will officially introduce your summer program and learn more about peer summer programs through the lens of your program fliers/marketing materials.


9:25 a.m. 

How Do They Do It? Enrichment, Student Recruitment, and Retention Strategies from ADSY Summer Program Managers

This segment wil include insights from expert practitioners on pressing planning topics like staffing, student recruitment and retention, and engaging enrichment programming. Discussion will include considerations for recruiting your best teachers while facing fatigue and burnout, as well as evidence-based messages and messengers that encourage students to sign up and show up for a voluntary summer learning program. Finally, our panelists will share their lessons learned from years of implementing high-quality enrichment programming.

Featured Speakers: 

10:25 a.m. 



10:35 a.m. 

Show What You Know - Enrichment

You will share what you know or have been learning about enrichment in the ADSY PEP summer journeys so far and how you are applying that to your current enrichment planning. You will engage in consultations with peers and partners around places you are seeking additional outside input.

Please complete and submit the required pre-work by January 19.

11:30 a.m. 

Optimistic Closure

11:45 a.m. 


Due Friday, January 19


Engaging enrichment experiences for students require the same level of planning and high caliber of instruction as high-quality academics. 

Districts in the National Summer Learning Project Study shared common reasons for prominently featuring enrichment in their summer programs: reducing the opportunity gap facing many children from low-income families during the summer; attracting student enrollees and encouraging consistent attendance; and helping young people grow in new and personalized ways that complement the school year. 

All districts featured fun and engaging enrichment activities, such as art, sports, and science exploration, to differentiate their programs from traditional summer school and to attract students and promote attendance. 

Now, it’s your turn! Developing an enrichment plan is a critical part of your draft strategic plans due on February 27.

RAND recommends the following steps that districts and their partners can take to help ensure that enrichment is well-managed and of high quality

(Getting to Work on Summer Learning, 2nd Edition, RAND)

Peer Exchange Guidance & Protocol 

The upcoming workshop will feature two peer exchanges.  First, you’ll briefly introduce your summer programs and potential offerings through your draft marketing materials as a way to kick off and inspire ideas for marketing our programs. In a second peer exchange building off of your team’s initial work on an enrichment plan, you’ll present components of your plan along with a focus question for consultation with peers. These activities will help move your work forward on your Draft Strategic Plan due on February 27. Please see below for templates and additional pre-work guidance.

Steps to complete this assignment:

Additional support:

ADSY PEP LC Jan 23 Workshop- Peer Exchange Template.pdf


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