The ACE Study

Increasing numbers of people identify as asexual, or Ace, a sexual identity that is characterized by not feeling sexual attraction toward people of any gender. However, very little is known about asexuality, mainly because many people have only recently become aware of it as an identity.

We are interested in learning more about asexuality and what it means for those who identify as Ace, so we can help raise the awareness of researchers, clinicians, and the public.

Currently, we are conducting the ACE study, which involves qualitative interviews with individuals who identify as asexual or Ace. The interviews are focused on decisions about disclosing (or not disclosing) one’s Ace identity to various people (family, friends, romantic partners), and experiences with coming out as Ace.

We just reached our current recruitment goals! Therefore, we will not be recruiting any more participants into the ACE Study. However, if you are interested in participating in this study, please check back periodically to see if there any anymore participation opportunities. Thank you!