Margot Louisa Pankratz (Maggie)

"Love Is Just a Word Men Use to Enchant Women...Its a Game."

(Note - This OC was originally created to be paired with my own Jaskier and for Maasmuse's Aiden and if you also write a Jaskier, she doesn't have to be his sister! We can do parallel world AUs or I am happy to adapt her).

Maggie spent her entire life in Lettenhove with her education taking place on the Estate rather than being allowed to go study at University like her older brother. Maggie comes across as spoiled and she very much is but she does have a big heart that she doesn't let many people see. Unlike her older brother she is not a hopeless romantic and actually doesn't believe in any of that. Though that doesn't stop her having as many casual relationships as she wants and getting into a lot of trouble.

Her relationship with her parents is distant and she honestly can't stand them but she does like the luxuries of nobility.

She is extremely independent and doesn't like being told what to do or she can't do something.

General Info

Name: Margot Louisa Pankratz

Nickname/Alias: Maggie, Mags

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Born: 27th March 1238

Age: Varies 

Nationality: Kerackian

Profession: None 

Sexuality: Bisexual

Faceclaim: Rose Williams


Height: 5ft 2"

Hair: Brown

Skin: Pale

Build: Slim

Eyes:  Brown


Personality Type: Entrepreneur - ESTP-A

Likes: Good wine, flirting though never with a view of it going beyond a fling, piano, fashion

Dislikes: Being told what to do or patronized, being bored.

Strengths: Bright, sassy and confident

Weaknesses: Stubborn, hot tempered, spoiled.