Nesa Lavellan

"I am an elf. The rest isn't important I assure you."

Nesa is a Dalish Mage, First of her Clan. She is proud of her heritage and  is fully committed to preserving its history. This can make her very stubborn when it comes to all Elven things. She has never much been outside her clan prior to the events of Dragon Age Inquisition however so this can cause her to be quite naive seeming. 

General Info

Name: Nesa

Nickname: Ness

Race: Elf

Gender: Female

Born:13th December 

Age: Varies 

Sexuality: Pansexual

Faceclaim: Amanda Seyfried


Height: 5ft 8

Hair: Long blonde hair, often left flowing with braids

Skin: Pale skin

Build: Slender and long

Eyes: Hazel

Clothing:  Whatever she can get her hands on really.  She does prefer long dresses and cloaks but not always practical.


Personality Type: Debater - ENTP-A

Temperament: Nesa has a pretty even temperament, kind and loyal to her fellow elves. She's very dedicated to preserving her history.

Likes: Dancing, music, reading. 

Dislikes: Elves being treated badly.