Title: Peeking Beneath the Surface: Video Streaming on the Internet

Date/Time: Saturday, September 12, 2020

Abstract: Have you ever wondered how video streaming works on the Internet such as when you watch a movie on NetFlix? In this webinar, as part of the 'Peeking Beneath the Surface' series, I'll discuss the basic mechanisms behind video streaming. I'll discuss how the client devices (whether watching on a mobile, tablet, laptop or a smartTV) interact with the video server using Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) and how the Internet's network current conditions affect the change in quality of the video resolution in a dynamic manner.

Speaker: Deep Medhi, National Science Foundation, USA & University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA

Speaker bio: https://www.nsf.gov/staff/staff_bio.jsp?lan=dmedhi&org=NSF&from_org=NSF

Recording is available at https://youtu.be/EqQvAb1k76A

This webinar is part of SKC Science and Technology Webinar Series.