Title: Peeking Beneath the Surface of the World of the Internet

Speaker: Deep Medhi, National Science Foundation, USA & University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA

Date/Time: Monday, August 17, 2020: 9:30 AM Indian Standard Time (IST)

Abstract: The Internet works on the concept of breaking information into smaller units called packets for transmission, and how protocols allow us to request a web page (broken into packets) and receive the content from the website. It also has a nifty way to define addresses. In this talk, I'll give a beneath the surface overview on the Internet's internal workings along with a discussion on how it differs from a postal delivery network, and a historic view of communication networking starting with the invention of telegraphy.

Speaker bio: https://www.nsf.gov/staff/staff_bio.jsp?lan=dmedhi&org=NSF&from_org=NSF

Target Audience: Higher secondary and college students and teachers (need not be science)

Recording is available at: https://youtu.be/XeW0RX16t5w