Steps into Sharing

Programme Overview

Since the early 1980s schools across Northern Ireland have been involved in Community Relations Projects in an attempt to create a peaceful and shared society for our children and young people.  These have been pivotal in the establishment of Shared Education and since 2015 three funded projects have helped over 650 schools engage in Shared Education Partnership working.  The Shared Education Signature Project (SESP), Collaboration and Sharing in Education (CASE) Peace IV and Sharing from the Start (SfS) have contributed over £50m in supporting pupils, teachers, leaders and the wider community to engage in Shared Education.

A new programme for schools yet to engage in Shared Education has now been launched by the Education Authority. This programme entitled ‘Steps into Sharing’ has received 221 expressions of interest from schools across Northern Ireland. Ove the next 18 months the programme aims to focus on the following areas:

·         Building Leadership Capacity – this will focus on developing principals and middle leaders to support Shared Education Partnership working

·         Teacher Professional Learning – This will help develop the skills required, by teachers, to plan, implement and evaluate high quality Shared Education

·         Planning for Pupil Engagement – This will explore the collaborative planning process involved in the development of Shared Education Programmes

Introductory Workshop

The first Introductory Workshops were held across each Locality at the end of March 2022. 

These sessions helped to raise the awareness of Shared Education, build an understanding of what Shared Education is, the benefits of Shared Education and provide a timeline for learning to all those involved in the programme. 

Initial feedback has been extremely positive and this will be an exciting new chapter for all of the participating schools.

Primary Steps into Sharing Programme.pdf
Post Primary Steps into Sharing Programme.pdf

Click here to view the voices of Pupils, Practitioners & Leaders

Click here for Steps into Sharing - Presentation on Building a New Partnership

Click here for Steps into Sharing

SWAY - Building a Shared Education Partnership