Shared Education Bitesize TPL Programme

A range of Shared Education and Sectoral Support Teacher Professional Learning Bitesize Modules have been delivered during 2022/23. 

Please click on the Images below to watch the recorded webinars and review their content which will develop your individual and partnership practice for Shared Education. The presentation used in the webinar is available to download.

Bitesize TPL - Digital Audio: Podcasting for Shared Education ( AmmA Centre)

Bitesize TPL- An Introduction to Shared Education for the Irish Medium Sector

IEM Intro to SE Summer School.pptx

Bitesize TPL - Teaching Sensitive and Controversial Issues in Schools

Teaching Sensitive and Controversial issues in Schools - SE Bitesize workshop 2.pptx

Bitesize TPL - Developing Shared Education trough Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Learning Shared Ed 7th March Bitesize Presentation Michael Cross.pdf

Bitesize TPL -  Digital Art and Design

DigitalArt&Design Hockney_Picasso.pdf

Bitesize TPL - Developing Community Connections

Developing Community Connection in Partnerships 16 May 2023.pptx